Chapter 1 - hide

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Mina looks at herself in the mirror. She hated that her skin was pink, it made her feel like she does not fit in. Though she acts like she loves almost everything about her, the things she 'loves' about herself are just the things that make her feel unwanted. No one really questions why her skin is pink, although people question about her horns. She knows they do not mean it in a rude way, so she doesn't try to think about them. Her eyes are also different then others, which makes it seem like she is a different species in total. Don't get it wrong, she loves the alien thing that got hooked to her, but sometimes it just feels too different... sometimes when she gets to saddened by the way she was created she would take a bit of her acid and swallow it. She is immune to the acid on the outside of her body, but not the inside of her body. She would put it in her mouth for a few minutes and let it burn the bottom of her mouth, just enough so it hurts, but does not show. Since her quirk is acid, she can heal easily from it. Then she swallows it which burns her throat. It does not go through her body, instead the acid just dissolves and turns into water once it hits her stomach so it will not bother her. She does not want to cut, she fears that it would be too obvious that she hates herself in various ways. 


Ashido has a plan scheduled for the bakusquad today, and of course she was the one who scheduled it. It was the weekend and she did not want to spend time by herself, and not to be rude to the other girls, she would just make it awkward for them. She does like hanging out with the other girls, but she would much rather goof off with her squad, especially on weekends. On weekdays she does not mind hanging with the girls. 
Mina takes her casual clothes out and puts them on. She styles her hair like she always does, except she really does not style it, she just makes sure that there is no knots in her hair. After that she brushes her teeth since she does not plan on eating because she is too excited for the day ahead of her. The pink girl finishes her normal morning and grabs her phone and puts it in her pocket of the hoodie she threw on because it was going to be cold today. The alien girl walks out and sees Sero chatting with the rest of the boys. She takes a few deep breaths before getting into her energetic self. 


The tape dispenser turns around and smiles at Mina. But then shews her away because he is apparently busy talking to someone else. 
When Mina saw the hand shew her away she nodded and went to the couch where Kaminari was playing a video game by himself. 

"Hey Kami!"


Kaminari threw the controller, not really caring about is game anymore because he got distracted by Mina. They hugged and Mina sat next to Kaminari.

"So how are you and Shinso?"

Kaminari blushes a bit and chuckles. He only said that they were dating a week ago and he is not used to having Mina ask about it. He knew it was going to happen though, because he knows Mina the best out of everyone, and when she knows something she has to know all the juicy details. Well except when they fucked, she does not need to know that much. 

"We are fine, well from me speaking anyway"

Mina nodded like she was suspicious of something but Kaminari knew she was just trying to  be funny. 

"Anyways, are you excited for today?"

Mina was practically jumping up and down in her seat because she was excited herself, they haven't hung out since last weekend which to her was sooooooo long ago. 

"Heck yeah! But I think Sero is going to be awhile.. Kirishima is still trying to get Bakuhoe to come along"

Mina nods squinting.

"We can wait anyways, its not like it takes that long to get there. Also, love the new name for Bakugo"

"Just thought of it actually, but I did hear some other people saying it too"

"Makes sense. Oh, and by the way"


"You just lost the game"


Mina started laughing as Kaminari sunk to the floor crying. Others came to see what was going on and they looked on the TV and saw that Denki lost. They also saw Mina laughing, which laughter is contagious most of the time so they started laughing. 
It was not the best start of a morning, but it was good enough for Mina, she has had better, but she also has had a lot worse. So this was in the middle. For the start of the morning, seeing Denki throw a tiny fit over a video game was the highlight so far.


Words: 1104 

Date: 5/15/20

Thank you guys for reading this. I did not see any depressed Mina books so I decided to make one, of course with the help of my friend who made me decide. Although I do not know exactly which ship I will do or if I may even do one, it should still turn out ok at the least. I did not edit, that is a thing you will see a lot in these little authors notes, and that is because I hate editing. It is one thing to be productive and write, but then when I edit, it comes to me writing unnecessary stuff. If you do not like that I do not edit, I am sorry, but I am not changing that. There will be grammar, spelling, and sentencing mistakes, and I am sorry if you happen to notice that. There will also be more of getting of track and just jumping around on topics. I have a lot in my mind when I write so that is definitely going to happen, and again, I am not editing so that it looks better. I hope you liked it otherwise even though it was not edited. Almost every chapter will have a tiny authors note at the end, if it is big that just means I have a whole bunch of emotions. But I will always, always, write a chapter with an authors note. Anyways, again I hoped you like it and I hope it was good enough without editing than it would be with it, and thank you for reading the first chapter. Love y'all!

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