Eighteen: Earth

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《AUTHOR NOTE: Thank you so much everyone for your support!! It's bittersweet that we've made it to the final chapter! 😭 I hope you will support my other works as well! Keep an eye out after this for a sneak peek at my next fanfic project! And check out the other stories in my library! I can't say thank you enough! Enjoy! 🥰



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Again, thank you all!! ♡♡♡》

Earth couldn't ignore the look in his eyes as Kao stared at him from across the campfire circle.

"What?" Earth mouthed, throwing Kao a questioning glance, to which Kao only smirked.

Earth rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he turned his attention to Mean sitting next to him. 

"Is Plan ever this ... this annoying?" 

Mean let out a soft chuckle, patting Earth's shoulder. "That's called love, my friend. Get used to it. They'll drive you nuts, but, god, how you love them," Mean said, gazing fondly at his feisty fire spirit, who was chatting animatedly across the circle from them.

The Elementals were celebrating. They had much to celebrate; the main reason because Sammy was back with them, safe and sound. She wasn't the same Sammy, however, not exactly. She was still Sammy, but she also had the Dark energy within her. But with the help of her friends, she would learn to find the balance needed to control it. Then, she would also transition into a Full Elemental, like Kao was now.

Which was the second reason they were celebrating. With his deeds helping Sammy, Kao had finally reached the strength of a Full Elemental.

Which meant Kao was finally immortal.

Which meant Earth could keep him.


Earth beamed with pride as he watched Kao, the latter mouthing "What?" back to him.

Earth laughed, shaking his head as he realized what that look in Kao's eyes was earlier.

"You okay?" Fluke asked from where he was seated on the other side of Earth.

Earth turned to his best friend, who gave him a funny look. All Earth could do was smile back at him, which made Fluke laugh. 

"Let me guess. You're happy that you get to keep him?" 

Earth flashed his signature, toothy grin. "Is it that obvious?" 

"Earth, you're practically jumping up and down!" Fluke laughed again.

Earth laced his arms through Fluke's and rested his head on his shoulder. "I'm just so happy, Fluke."

Earth felt a pat on his head and could hear the smile in Fluke's voice.

"Good. You deserve all the happiness, my friend." 

Just then, Earth noticed a dark shadow looming over them and looked up to see Kao standing there, an amused expression on his face. 

"Fluke, do you mind if I steal my husband away from you? After the day we've had, I think it's time that we called it a night." Kao offered a hand to Earth. 

"Of course not. He's all yours," Fluke smiled, sliding his arm free of Earth's grasp. 

Earth looked up at Kao, a flush dusting his cheeks. He didn't know why he was so flustered. Maybe it was Kao's use of the word "husband" that had Earth as shy as a school girl being asked to dance. All Earth knew was that he liked the way it rolled off of Kao's tongue, especially when he put the possessive "my" in front of it. He was Kao's. Forever. Earth swelled with pride at the thought. He shouldn't be shy about it. He should be proud. Beaming, Earth took the hand that was offered him and stood up, intertwining their fingers. 

The couple said their good nights to the group and started to make their way back to the cave, enjoying their routine stroll around the lake. Earth knew he could get used to this. When he first fell in love with this man, Earth never dreamed he would actually be here, walking hand in hand into their new lives together and it made Earth emotional. 

"Are you crying?" Kao asked with a chuckle as they came to a stop outside the cave.

Earth quickly swatted his tears away with the back of his hand, flashing Kao a huge smile. "I'm just so happy, P'Kao!" he said, throwing his arms around Kao's neck.

Kao laughed again, placing his hands on Earth's slender waist to pull him closer.

Earth looked up into Kao's dark eyes, gently brushing his hair from his forehead and, standing on his toes, placed a gentle kiss on Kao's lips. 

"I love you, P'Kao," Earth whispered, resting his chin on Kao's shoulder. "Forever." 

*       *       *

The moment they stepped into the cave together, Kao wrapped his arms around Earth from behind before burying his face into his neck.

All Kao did was breathe, but it made Earth crazy. Kao's breath on his neck sent a shiver down Earth's spine and ever so slowly -- so painfully slowly -- Kao pressed his lips against Earth's skin.

Earth let out a shaky breath, that he hadn't realized he had been holding, as Kao started to blaze a trail of kisses up Earth's neck to his temple.

"P'Kao..." Earth whispered, breathless, as he turned to face his love.

Kao captured Earth's lips with his own, gently guiding him backwards until Earth was pinned between Kao's solid body and the wall. He lifted his chin, granting Kao more access to his neck as Kao kissed up his jawline. He nibbled lightly on Earth's earlobe, prompting a soft moan from the smaller boy.

There was a fire in Kao's eyes as he pulled away to tug his shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor.

Earth's eyes wandered over Kao's torso as he lightly traced a pair of yellow, crescent-shaped marks on Kao's shoulder.

His eyes turning darker, Kao leaned his head in close to Earth's ear.

"You can leave a matching set on the other side," he whispered huskily, driving Earth insane. Earth slid his hands behind Kao's head, crushing their lips together.

They devoured each other, kissing and moving until their garments were in a pile on the floor and Kao was delicately laying Earth down on the mattress.

Kao hovered over him, his eyes taking in every feature of Earth's face. He lovingly ran his finger across Earth's eyebrow, his lips, his nose, the shell of his ear, and looked deep into those chocolate brown eyes reflecting the moonlight.

"I love you, Earth," he whispered. "Forever."

With tears in his eyes, Earth pulled Kao's face down to capture his lips again.

Forever was a long time.

And Earth couldn't have been any happier.

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