Seven: Fluke

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《Author Note: Oi, this chapter was hard to finish! Mostly because it's 2:30 a.m. and I keep wanting to fall asleep while writing this lol Enjoy!!! 🥰》

"Humming?" Fluke cast a sideways glance at his best friend who was reclined on his elbows on the large boulder above the lagoon and apparently....humming?

Earth smiled, closing his eyes and laying down. "I didn't even realize I was humming," he giggled. "I'm just so happy!"

Fluke laid down next to Earth and gazed up at the vast expanse of stars, smiling. He was so happy for his friend. Fluke knew it must have been hard for him all these years seeing all of his friends in love. He was afraid Earth would never be able to share the same happiness as them. But seeing Kao and Earth share one last gentle kiss before Kao went to sleep, Fluke knew there was nothing to fear anymore.

Fluke had watched as the two embraced, Earth promising to explain everything in more detail in the morning, after Kao rested from his eventful day. Even though Kao was technically an Elemental, his human body still got tired.

Boun had explained to them that the Rare Elementals, the Spirits of Light and Darkness, were usually mortals who gradually discovered their abilities after maturity. Because his powers were not yet fully realized, the Energy would be exhausting for Kao's mortal body until he grew into his abilities and became a full, immortal Elemental.

It was a lot for Kao to take in at once and the 5 Elementals could see that Kao was already tired so they sent him to bed. Earth had stayed with him until he was asleep, and then he and Fluke had snuck off to their favorite spot while the other Elementals enjoyed the fire.

Earth scootched closer to Fluke and rested his head on his friend's shoulder.
"I know we don't sleep, Ai'Fluke, but this all feels like a dream to me and I'm afraid I'm going to wake up soon and P'Kao will be gone again. It's too good to be true! Is it real? Is P'Kao really an Elemental? Do I really get to keep him?"

Fluke didn't have to look at his best friend to know he had tears in his eyes and it made him emotional himself. After all these years, Earth deserved every happiness. Fluke laced his arm through Earth's and gently stroked his head.

"It's real," he said, laughing softly. "But that means it's going to be hard. What you have is rare and special and you will have to fight for it. It will especially be rough for P'Kao at first while his abilities are developing. He will need you to be with him to guide him. Especially now that we know there is a Spirit if Darkness."

Earth was silent for awhile, so quiet that if Fluke didn't know better, he would have thought he was asleep.

"I'm scared, Ai'Fluke," Earth said, barely above a whisper. "I haven't told anyone because I don't want anyone to be afraid. But I can feel the energy fading in the Meadow because of my connection to the earth. I feel so weak, Fluke. We don't sleep, but I'm so tired and I'm losing energy every day. I'm afraid that if the Spirit of Darkness does show up that I won't be strong enough to stop him. I'm afraid I won't be strong enough to protect P'Kao."

Fluke rested his chin on Earth's head and rubbed Earth's arm. "That's why we will be here every step of the way. We will all work with P'Kao to refine his abilities and hopefully soon, he will be able to help amplify your abilities to keep you strong until we end this. We all have your back, okay?" He felt Earth nod under his chin and softly patted his head. He chuckled as he thought of something. "Why do you call him Phi? I know the rest of us started doing it because you do it. Technically, we're all older than Kao because we're immortal."

Earth let out a soft laugh. "I'm not really sure, actually. Maybe perhaps because his mortal body now is older than my human form is. Maybe when he becomes immortal it will change." Fluke could almost hear the smile in Earth's voice.

They were silent for a little while, listening to the sounds of the forest and their own breathing.

"Earth, I know we don't have to sleep. But if you want, you can just rest and meditate to regain some of your energy."

Fluke felt Earth nod again and eventually, his breathing slowed and Fluke knew his best friend was in a deep state of meditation and Fluke started to relax himself.

Unsure of how much time had passed, Fluke felt a gentle hand caressing his face and smiled, knowing who the hand belonged to before he even opened his eyes. Fluke locked eyes with the soft gaze of his lover, who pressed a finger to his lips, signaling him to be quiet, and pointed at the motionless body wrapped around Fluke's arm. Careful not to disturb the boy, Fluke slowly slid his body out from under Earth, who was so deep in meditation, he was as close to sleep as an Elemental could get.

Ohm helped Fluke to stand and they crossed the boulder the few feet to the edge where they could overlook the lagoon as the first hints of sunlight started to filter through the trees. Ohm sat crosslegged and pulled Fluke down to sit sideways on his lap, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy. They held their breaths until they saw the fiery rays of sunlight finally find their home on the peaceful surface of the water, remembering their promise to each other. Thus was their routine every morning. No matter where they were, they always watched the sunrise together, never moving until the sun reflected off the lagoon. It was a reminder to them that, even in nature, water and fire could be together.

Ohm left a trail of soft kisses from Fluke's temple to his earlobe, ending with three. gentle. kisses. on Fluke's lips, each one representing an unspoken word in Ohm's heart.

"I love you, too," Fluke said, smiling lovingly up at him.

Their moment was interrupted by movement behind them and Fluke peeled himself off of Ohm as Earth started to stir.

"Good morning!" Fluke cooed to his best friend. "Did your rest help any?"

Earth slowly stood up, stretching. "A little. I feel slightly less tired, but far from normal."

"Well, maybe after we get some food in you, you will feel even more energized. Let's head down." He gestured for Earth to follow as he linked his arm through Ohm's and they made their way down the path.

After a few minutes of walking, Fluke noticed that Earth had started to fall behind and he stopped, turning back to him.

"Earth? Are you alright?" Fluke moved closer to him, his concerned eyes searching his friend. Earth's face had lost all it's color and the usual sparkle in his eye was gone and Fluke knew something was wrong.

"Oi!" Fluke exclaimed as he watched in slow motion as his best friend's knees buckled beneath him and he collapsed into Flukes's arms.

Fate of the Forest (A KaoEarth Story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu