"Why the new found passion for your prophecy?" Fenrick asked, with hesitation.

"The ones that killed Ma, and Lars, came from the Rift. Evil green creatures that snort and growl at each other and have no regard for others."

Her father jumped to his feet, "Who told you this?" His hands about my shoulders. Estien quickly moved to intercept the man accosting his love.

Torin stood as tall as her short frame would allow, mustering all her strength. "I am La"Torin, of The Whirling Tempest, I have communed with the elements and they have shown me what happened. They have shown me the world about and how not knowing my prophecy is a detriment to Edalon." The wind about the forest had picked up, and the gentle breeze that was barely noticeable quickly moved to a calamity. The wind rushed about them, and the distinct sound of objects being knocked over on the lawn could be heard.

"Torin, please stop!" Sariphyn had landed nearby and pleaded with her.

Torin's eyes moved from Sariphyn to her father, acknowledging the hands about her shoulders. He reluctantly released his grasp, the wind slowing in response to his actions.

"So, the elements have spoken." La'Octa had not moved from her seat, sipping slowly at her tea. "May La'Kata bless you then, you will need it." Her eyes were sad, as she looked to her granddaughter and her beau, his arm about her protectively.

"Oh child," Fenrick said sadly, "what have you done?" The sadness in his eyes shown through.

"What I must." She said, with a firm stance. It was apparent that her father did not agree with her actions, as she turned from the audience and allowed Estien to escort her back to her chambers.

It wasn't long after they returned, Estien stepped out. He had come to terms quickly about the ordeal that morning, listening as the elements confirmed all she had said. There was no doubt in his mind they would need help on their way to the Qorum, as the elements warned him of the impending dangers of the travel.

Torin had been in the midst of trying to pack her things, when a knock came to the door. Looking at the door, she dreaded it was her father coming to argue. While she loved him dearly, they did have trouble when they didn't agree. She set down her torn cloak and opened the door. There on the porch stood the familiar white haired woman, her gentle smile washing away all worries the young adult had.

"Well," her grandmother began as she entered the room. "You've managed to send your father out to commune with the elements." She rested her walking stick inside the door and took a seat on one of the chairs in the sitting room.

"Ok?" Confusion was clearly in Torin's voice as she reached to close the heavy door.

"I've been trying to get him to commune with them since he was 15." She smiled, "If I had known it would be as easy that, I would have had you commune with the elements years ago." She reached out and took up a cup for tea, which Torin quickly made use of herself and began to pour.

"You're happy?" She asked setting the teapot down.

"I am." She sipped at her tea, "I've gotten reports of you since you were a child. I have to say, I have never been more proud then now, when you stepped out just like your father did with me." Again she smiled calmly to her descendant.

Torin released a hearty chuckle as she took a seat beside her grandmoth. "Did you react the same as father?"

"Oh my," she gasped, "I was much worse." They laughed together. La'Octa began to regale her of her argument on the peaks. Not so much communing but yelling at the elements. Their enjoyable conversation carried on into the evening. She told of her attempts to stop Fenrick in leaving. How she refused to bless him and then tried to close the docks. Ultimately, she said he had to come back to let her know what was happening, and he agreed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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