Call of The Forest

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They exited the the cave around the middle of the following day, the sun nestled high over head and shared her radiant heat. Torin stood at the entrance for a moment and soaked in the warmth of the spring rays, as Sestina and Kestrin moved passed. Her eyes were closed as she took in the smells of the forest, as she felt a familiar hand on her shoulder. Some came over her that moment, as she felt his body draw close to her. The smell of evergreens overwhelming her senses.

She stood so that she faced Estien directly. He watched as a smile played at the corner of her soft lips.

"Yes?" he raised his eyebrows in expectation of an answer. The response he got was not what he expected.

Torin adjusted her hands, that were resting on his arms to wrap around his neck. She watched closely at the twitch in his brow and the tilt of his head that showed the confusion he was in, yet he didn't back away.

"Thank you, for everything." She pulled him close in a tight hug. His arms came about her waist and gently returned the hug.

"You're welcome." He whispered softly into her ear.

A loud screech came from a few paces away from them, as Kestrin cleared his throat.

Torin brought herself back down on her heel. Taking a brief pause to share a moment with Estien.

"I know." She whispered to him softly, kissing the back of his hand as she walked away. Leaving him standing in the cave opening in a trance, Kestrin walked passed her and went straight to Estien.

"How long have you two been a thing?" Kestrin asked as he looked back at Torin.

Estien cleared his throat, "We're not." His gaze remained as he watched her walk over to the large cat and say farewell.

Torin glanced back at Estien, volumes unspoken in that one glance.

"Are you sure you're not a thing?" Kestrin pestered on.

"I'm sure." Estien said as he made his way out into the small clearing.

Sestina stood in the sunlight, her chestnut brown hair almost glowed in the afternoon sunlight, her green eyes and tall frame gave the appearance of unspoken power. She wore her leather armor like a princess wore a gown, with pride and dignity. The delicate set of her eyes drew a strong line back to her temple, giving her an appearance of royalty. She carried an intense look in her eyes, that almost challenged others to try her patience.

"We should plan to set camp not far off." Sestina spoke out in the calm, "We don't want to be on the pass down when it gets dark. There were rock slides on the way up."

"She's right," Kestrin agreed, walking over to join his sister. His brown hair matched his sisters and his tall frame gave way to the power he carried. He shifted his crossbow from his hands to the clip at his belt. He carried it with assertiveness and began to scan the tree line with confidence of his target. "There was a large slide on our way up, we barely missed it. The forest is in disarray." There was a soft shimmer at his neck as he turned to Estien, almost like there was a ghost of gold over part of his body.

Estian stood still another head above Kestrin, his bold strides showing a level of assurance that few carried well. Torin appeared out of place along side this group of fighters. It was apparent in their body language that they had some form of training and were capable of holding their own. Yet, there was Torin, unsure of her own power and still learning how to control them. While it became easier for her, as she practiced in the evenings on her cat, it was difficult.

The cave let out into a dirt clearing, that would take the traveler into the forest line that was not far off. The calm sound of the forest filled the surroundings with ambiance and gave no appearance of threat. Torin was walking about the clearing, trying to get a baring of where she was exactly, when she stopped in her tracks.

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