feeding deer's

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Sir pentious was slithering around not noticing he has wandered into the woods or should I say slithered into the woods of the radio demon. Clearly he didn't see the signs that stated ' beware the radio demon. Beyond these barriers is the radio demons terf. Once u pass your on his terf'.

Pentious slithered silently looking around the pretty dark woods ' my it'ssss quiet pretty here why issss it so empty here' pentious questioned till the sound of static could be heard.

Pentious was slightly surprised and felt a sudden dark presence. He began to look around scared a little. He didn't see anything but he new something or someone was there his tounge flicked in the air getting a bloody smell but most of hell's sinners smelled of blood so he couldn't know who it was.

He didn't know who who it was till.. CRASH! the mighty rotten banana was pinned to a tree ( hehe I called pentious a rotten banana )
The snake make gave a screech till he noticed bright red glowing radio dialed eyes. ' alassstor ' the Victorian thought as he suddenly began to fear his life.

The fear of the snake showed causing a wider smile to play on the red heads if that was possible. The radio man ripped the suit pentious was wearing. Pentious gasped out of shock, still slightly frightend but confused why cloths were ripped of his form. That's when it hit him ' these are the woods that belong to the radio demon. Fuck... I might never return'. Alastor licked his shoulder and began to sink his fangs into his shoulder. Pent gasped frightend that that might be the last of him.

Minutes past and pentious realized he wasn't dead he opened his cry filled eyes letting some tears fall as he began to relax into his touch trailing his hand to his chest. Pent clinch some of his suit gasping a moan as Al pulled away and licked the huge gash of open flesh of the snake. Al looked at the snake seeing a sin full enjoyed look on his face as his long fork tounge hanged out.  ' dirty pervert ' was all Alastor said before biting and licking at the same spot gaining more moans that night.

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