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Chapter Three:

( M E N D E D   F R I E N D S H I P S )

Fred put his index finger on his mouth indicating Artemis to keep quiet as he gently reached to entwine his hand with hers as he slowly got up.

"What are you doing?" Artemis whisper-yelled as he seemed to be going towards Filch's direction.

"Do you forget who you're with? Just shut up and follow me." Fred whispered back.

"I know you're there! Come out!" They heard Filch's voice getting louder.

"Muffliato." She waved her wand at their feet. "He would hear us running." She explained to him and he nodded. He pulled her along again as they moved their way around the shelves but Artemis having the worst luck,  knocked into a painting that yelled "Hey!"

"Stop right there! You sneaky little nuisance! Wait till I get my hands on you!" The pair heard Filch's footsteps getting closer. He was just a few seconds away from catching them. We'll be doomed and expelled and no one will hire us and— She was cut off from her thoughts by Fred's voice.

"Artemis! Get in here! What are you doing?!" Fred whisper yelled. She turned around to see him gesturing towards a cupboard. He quickly pulled her inside with him and closed the door just in time as Filch went running past the Corridor murmuring about spankings.

"You don't reckon this cupboard leads to Narnia, do you?" Fred whispered as Artemis heaved the heaviest sigh of her life.


After their narrow escape, Fred walked Artemis back to her common room even though she told him to just leave for his own since Filch could be around but he swore he wouldn't get caught and they decided they'd meet tomorrow and inform Professor Dumbledore of what they'd found.

"Thanks, Rosier."

"What for?" She asked quizzically.

"For being there. I probably wouldn't have found anything out by myself and also...for you know..consoling me and all.." He said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"I should be the one thanking you. You saved us from Filch. And also...what are friends for?" Atleast I hope you consider me a friend. She thought to herself.

"I do. I consider you more than that." He smiled. Artemis praised the Lord above that he couldn't see the pink that tinted her cheeks in the dark.

"Goodnight, Weasley." She said waving.

"Goodnight, Rosier." He said as he walked back waving.

"Salazar." Artemis murmured the password as the portrait swung open and she was met with Lilanna's glare as she stood all 5 feet 5 inches of her with her hands on her hips.

"So Weasley was the 'thing that came up'. And here I was worried sick that you'd be attacked by a monster and get petrified but there you were having a midnight rendezvous with George Weasley and probably snogging him-"

"I just happened to find him in the library, Lilanna!" Said Artemis shaking her head making her straight hair follow along. "And besides, that was Frederick not George. Also I was not snogging him!"

"The library? Why would you need to be at the library at two in the bloody morning?! And do you really want me to believe you found Fred Weasley of all people in a library at this hour?" She asked questioningly.

Ophidian | Fred Weasley ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon