North Wing

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Exploring the rest of the North area, we found a memo explaining the types of wristbands needed for each area.

As of right now, I had the lowest access which was the visitor's pass. Next, it would be General Staff and then Senior Staff. All we need to change our access was an electronic chip that could be easily inserted on the side.

Now we just had to find the damn things and who knows how long that'll take or if any of them were down here still.

Leon led the way with his trusty flashlight, as I crept behind him with my gun out. At the end was a nice puddle of blood, increasing my unsettled nerves, confirming my thoughts of the infected roaming the halls.

We kept our guard up as more gore lined the walls and floor, a door was on our right as well as down the hall. The one next to us had a green scanner the other blue. Leon skipped the green door, choosing to go the blue first. I followed, letting him choose.

The door opened as soon as I neared it, scaring Leon who turned thinking it was an infected since nothing happened when he passed the door.

"Wow, these sensors are sensitive," I said as he sighed, relaxing when he noticed it was just me.Inside was a cafeteria for visitors and lab workers, the place was covered in blood. It was eerie here, much more than the police station. Maybe it was because this was a lab, horrible things come from labs.

My imagination began to run wild, as I began to scare myself. Leon must've noticed my uneasiness to continue, cause the next thing I knew his hand was slipping into mine, tugging me along.

"Come on, don't be afraid," he said softly, trying to calm me down. "I'm not afraid" I whispered but allowed him to guide me as we explored.

Further, into the room, a slurping sound reaches our ears making me shiver. Squeezing my hand in reassurance Leon moved the light resting it on an infected.

Gagging, we found a lab worker chowing done on one of his former coworkers, his stomach ripped opened and being devoured by the man.

"So gross" I muttered as I shot the man, he was too fixated on the meal in front of him he paid no mind to us. But I didn't want to take any chances.

A snarl came from behind, as two zombies appeared out of nowhere, alerted of our presence by my gunshot. "Shit" I mumbled as Leon released my hand taking out the one on the left as I rid the one on the right.

"Well that was easy," he said reloading his gun. "Don't jinx it" I said spotting a ladder towards the back.

"Wonder where that leads" I mused putting away my firearm and heading up. "Be careful!" Leon warned shining the light up so I could see. Reaching the top, I climb into the vents motioning for Leon to follow.

The vent was tall enough for me to stand, Leon had to crouch a bit, his head skimming the ceiling. The end of the vent had a drop-down, with no ladder. Leon shined the light, no one or thing was down there so I jumped down first.

Now in the kitchen, I found nothing but a combat knife which I took. The next room had a zombie standing in the corner, its back to us. Leon quickly took it out, its body lumping against the blue scanner door. The only other place to check was the green door down the hall. It looked to be some type of bunker for sleeping.

A hand hung from one of the semi-closed beds, a blue-chip flashing brightly from his hand.

 "Bingo," I said putting away my knife so I could take out the chip. I prodded the hand, making sure it wouldn't move before taking out the chip, Leon waiting patiently as I hooked it up to mine.

"General Access here we come," I said holding up the bracelet proudly, making Leon smile. The blue door led us back to the cafeteria, all of the north was explored so we moved through the lobby and past the large blue scanner door.

The AI began speaking catching Leon and I's attention. "Dr. Li, your presence is urgently requested by chief Cartwright in the east area."

"Well Dr. Li you heard her, to the East Area" Leon joked, waiting for me to open the door. The next room was... huge. It's ceiling too high to measure, while a bridge with a middle island and two other bridges one leading west and the other east resting in the middle.

Below us was a dark chasm, its depth unknown to us. I peered over the edge as we walked, wondering just how long of a drop it would be. Leon, concerned for my safety pulled me back muttering about how I should be more careful.

Rolling my eyes from his over-protectiveness we stopped in the middle observing the weird contraption.

"Looks like an elevator" I concluded, noticing the long tunnel downwards into the dark abyss.

 "Must be, wonder where it leads" Leon agreed as I tried to open the elevator doors, but the scanner beeped red yelling at me for not having a correct clearance.

To get to the west we needed senior staff clearance, something told me that that is where Sherry's cure was. Letting the scanner on the left read my bracelet, a bridge shot out, giving us a path.

"Wonder what the great Chief Cartwright wanted."

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