Meeting the Chief

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 The next way out was up another ladder, blocked by a manhole. I let Leon go first knowing I wouldn't be able to lift it, Sherry's grip on me tighten. I looked down, giving her a little smile.

"Its gonna be alright, Sherry, you got Leon and me to watch over you now. I promise," She stayed quiet nodding her head, a glimpse of a smile.

The utility hole scraped against the concrete as Leon pushed it with some difficulty, before climbing out. "Clear, you two can come up now," he called down. "You first," I said, helping Sherry climb up, afraid of her falling.

I climbed up after her and into the parking garage. Cars still littered the garage, perfect for something to be lurking behind. "You sure it's safe?" I asked, looking around the poorly lite room.

"Yeah, looks there's the exit," he answered, pointing towards the gated exit. A lone police car was parked right in front; its low beams helped illuminate the room.

I made a beeline for the terminal that was next to the gate and pressed the open button. The screen flashed red, and I now noticed a slot for a card.

"Great, it looks like we need a key card," I mumbled as Leon and Sherry came up. "Where are we gonna find one of those?" I asked, looking towards Leon.

He bit his lip in thought before answering. "Maybe we can lift the gate," he suggested. I nodded my head in agreement, and the three of us each took hold of the metal bars. I grunted as I pulled up, the gate barely moving an inch before we gave up.

"Shit," I mumbled, raking a hand through my hair in annoyance. "Are you sure this is the way?" I asked, looking over to Sherry.

She nodded her head "This is how my mom took me last time," she explained.

"Sherry?" A voice called out from the shadows of the garage. A large man emerged as he continued to speak. "I've been looking everywhere for you, Sherry," I looked over to Leon, who had his gun raised.

"Brave little girl to leave your house in the middle of this mess." He stopped just a few feet in front of us. The man was overweight and sporting an RPD vest, and a name tag with Chief Irons engraved to the bronze medal.

So this was the police chief of Raccoon City, maybe he can help us. Leon lowered his gun and into its holster, stepping forward to greet the man. "Sir, it's great too-" but was cut off when Irons pulled his gun and aimed it at the rookie.

"On the ground, hands behind your heads, now," he ordered. I stepped forward, pulling out my gun when he aimed it at me. "Drop the gun now," he spat, pointing the gun at Leon's head. "No, don't listen to him, Lara," Leon said. "Or ill shoot him," he threatened, flipping off the safety to show he was serious. Frowning, I bent down and laid the gun on the floor.

"Now kick it over to me and get on your knees" I did what I was told, glaring at him the entire time. After picking up my gun, he reached behind him and pulled out zip ties and threw them to Sherry.

"Sherry, tie their hands." She watched them fall to the ground, refusing to listen to him. "Why are you doing this?" she asked. "Shut up. Tie them," he ordered again. 

"Okay, then. You tie them up now, or she dies," he threatened stepping forward, the barrel on the gun right in my face.

Sherry hurriedly picked up the ties and cuffed Leon first before coming over to me. Her small hands gingerly took mine and pulled them behind my back.

"Sir, why are you doing this?" Leon asked, upset by the betrayal. He lowered the gun with a smirk plastered on his face.

 "Child endangerment, for starters," he answered, pulling out a card and putting it into the reader slot. The terminal beeped, and the gates opened, giving us the freedom we desperately wanted but couldn't reach.

"Sherry, come here." he beckoned. I moved, staying on my knees, so Sherry was behind me. "What are you gonna do to her?" I asked, frustrated at not being able to do anything. "None of your fucking business"

"If you hurt her, I swear to god, ill fucki-" I started but was cut off as he stomped over to me and punched me in the jaw. The hit sending me to the floor as blood pooled in my mouth.

"Lara!" Leon screamed, going to stand till the chief pulled his gun again and aimed it at Leon. "Sherry, you come with me now or say goodbye to your friends," he seethed, pulling me up and holding the gun to my head again.

Collecting the blood in my mouth, I spat in his face blinding him with the bloody saliva. "That's it," he growled, smacking the butt of the gun into my jaw. I fell to the floor, crying out in pain when Sherry screamed out.

"Okay, Stop! Please," she begged as I spotted a piece of glass nearby, perfect for cutting zip ties. "You better be taking me to my mom," Sherry added.

"Don't tell me how to do my job," he growled, grabbing Sherry by the arm and dragging her out of the garage. "Stop, let me go!" she cried out, fighting against the man.

Leon was up; first, his arms no longer bound as he charged them. Before he could get to them, the metal gate flew down, separating us from the two.

"Sherry!" I yelled, reaching an arm out through the bars as she was dragged away from us. "Shit," I yelled, kicking the gate harshly, my anger rolling off me in waves.

Leon's hand rested on my shoulder, bringing me out of my angry thoughts. "We'll get her back. Don't worry'"

Surviving Raccoon CityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora