Welcome to RPD

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"Let's scope out the area, see if there are any survivors" Leon suggested, his gun at the ready. Easy for you to say since you've got a weapon. I nodded my head reluctantly, starting to explore the large room.

The lobby was poorly lite, even with all the lights on. What a weird layout for a police station, it almost resembled a museum. Towards the back of the hall was a grand staircase, a large statue of goddess rested between the two stairways. I headed up on of the stairs taking two at a time.

At the top I was a lion statue with three dials with pictures on them. I trailed my fingers over the dials making them move and saw that each side of the dial had a different picture. Maybe it's a puzzle. Looking around for any clues I heard Leon call out for me to come over to him. Not wanting to keep him waiting ran over to him. He was hunched over looking at a laptop. When I got close he clicked on a tab and a screen popped up. It looked like a camera feed.

"What is it?" I asked leaning my palms on the desk and looking closer at the screen. "Looks like a live feed, I think the East hallway" he explained. A man in a police uniform was running through the halls with someone chasing after him. Gunshots rang out towards our right, the man in the video fired his gun shortly after. Must be a delay to the camera feed.

"David! Marvin! You there? I found a way out! It's in here" the officer yelled holding out a little journal towards the camera. The way out? Can't they just walk out the front door? Then again with those things out there I wouldn't want to leave.

The person that was chasing him was catching up. I internally screamed at him to run, growing frustrated with the man. I then noticed his exit was blocked off a locked door. He fired off more shots till the man grabbed a hold of him and tried to take a bite out of his neck.

"We have to help him" I said looking over to Leon concerned for the officer's well-being. Leon looked at me with determined eyes and nodded taking off towards the metal door that blocked us off from the east hallway. A large KEEP OUT sign was taped too it. As much as I wanted to listen to the sign, we had to help the man. I would forever be guilty if I just left him. Leon pulled on the lever and with a ping the door began to open.

It stopped moving leaving us with just enough space to crawl under. Figures. Since he had the gun it made more sense for him to go first. "After you" I said motioning towards the crawl space. "Geez thanks" he muttered. "Hey, you have the gun, not me. If your too chicken to go first, then hand it over and I'll do it" I said holding my hand out waiting for his response. I may not be experienced but it shouldn't be that hard, right?

"Together?" he compromised. Well its better than doing it alone. I nodded my head and we both went prone. Pulling out his flashlight he slowly looked around. The hallway was pitch dark and the flashlight only showed what was about 5 feet from us. A thick pool of blood was gathered at the doorway. We would have to crawl through it to get to the other side.

The coast was clear of any threats, so I went in first. Army crawling under the door I kept my hands tucked in my sleeves, so they didn't get covered in blood. Couldn't save the rest of my body from being covered in it since it was pooled right in front of the doorway. I could feel it soaking my hoodie and pants making me cringe in disgust. Usually blood didn't bother me, but this was way worse then what I'm used to seeing. I stood up and held out a hand for Leon which he took. After brushing himself off we continued down the dark hallway the light held high to help guide us through the mess.

Almost every door was locked except the bathrooms which were flooded with icky toilet water. A file cabinet was blocking out route, so we moved it back into its upright position. We made our way to the end of the hall where we found at least three dead bodies. "Jesus" Leon whispered shining the light on each body. I imagined then springing up at us when we cautiously walked past them and into the little office that was nearby.

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