Welcome to Raccoon City

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"You may now gather your possessions and leave the aircraft, thank you for flying Delta Airline tonight. Have a wonderful night" the stewardess said in a sickly-sweet voice.

I packed away my Gameboy into my backpack and stayed seated waiting till there wasn't as much people on the plane. I stood up slouched to avoid hitting my head on the cubbies above me and did an awkward stretch to help loosen my stiff muscles.

Man, that flight felt longer than normal I thought, quickly side stepped out of the narrow seating area and grabbed my backpack out from the overhead bin. I gave the stewardess a polite smile and a wave goodbye when she bid me farewell. The runway was chilly from the rain, even with my jacket and hoodie on. It was refreshing though.

I headed straight for the baggage claim, pulling out my flip phone to texted my brother that my flight had landed. He was quick to respond.

GI Joe: Be careful, have fun!

Lara: Will do, txt ya when we get to Jen's place

 I flipped my phone shut and slipped  it into my jacket pocket. The carousel began to move, slowly different colors and sized bags began to come around. My bag was the fifth one to come out. "Bingo" I said running over to grab it, dodging someone who was walking towards there own. 

Extending the handle, I headed over to the exit my bag rolling behind me. Spotting a familiar Brunette sitting with her legs crossed over each other on a planter's ledge. I called out to her, interrupting her heated gaming session on her game boy. Her head shot up when she heard her name and looked for the source. Her gaze landed on me and she beamed, jumping up from her spot. 

"Lara! Long time no see" she beamed pulling me into a tight hug. "Not long enough" I teased returning it. "Ready to head out?" she asked pulling back. "Yup, though do you mind making a quick pit-stop? I could kill for a coffee." I said yawning into my closed fist. "Its eight o'clock at night. Do you really need one?" she asked bewildered turning to leave.

"Well then again knowing you, you bleed coffee instead of blood. There's a couple on the way" she joked holding the door for me. I followed her out into the rain, the cold wind blowing blonde strands of hair into my face. "Awesome" I said crossing the street and entering the parking garage.

It was crazy how quiet it was at the airport here in Raccoon City, JFK was always jam packed every time I go there. My brother was going to escort me in but couldn't since the traffic getting to the airport was so bad. We even left earlier than we originally planned. "How's everyone back in New York?" she asked opening her car truck and helping me put my bag away. She groaned under the weight.

"Oh my god, how much did you pack?" she asked surprised by the weight. "First off its not even that heavy cry baby. And second, I'm staying for two weeks, what do you expect" I said rolling my eyes and climbing into the passenger seat.

"Everyone's fine, the bone head told me to say hello" answering her earlier question. "Is he still single?" she asked. She's had a crush on my older brother ever since we met back in middle school. "Yes, he's too busy for relationships. That what he told me anyway." I shrugged.

"Busy? With what?" she asked changing lanes. "Army, he finally got in" I beamed proud of him. "Oh! Army boy huh? That's hot" she said grinning. "Gross, that's my brother your talking about." I said lightly shoving her.

"Hey! No hitting the driver" she said slugging me in the shoulder. "Ow! I didn't hit you that hard!" I yelled laughing as I rubbed the spot she hit. "Damn, I felt some muscle! Did your lazy ass finally start working out again?" she asked taking one hand off the wheel to squeeze my upper arm.

I rolled my eyes "Lazy? Far from. I gotta keep in shape. It's hard work being a lifeguard" I joked making her scoff. "Yeah, cause sitting in a chair all day in the sun is such hard work" she teased. "I do more than sit! God forbid a person twice my size needs saving, I gotta lug them out of the water. Let alone fight against the waves." I explained while she laughed.

"Your bro should've come with you, I would've loved to see that ass in a uniform" she's said wiggling her eyebrows. "Ew, again! That's my brother! I don't want to picture that!" I cringed covering my eyes with my hands trying to rid the images that are popping into my head.

She laughed pulling into a Dunkin' Donuts drive through. "What did you want?" she asked as she pulled up to the window to order. "Large coffee, milk and sugar please" I said reaching into the back of the car to get my wallet. I pulled out a five-dollar bill and handed it to Jen. She paid and grabbed the coffee giving it to me.

"Here" she said before taking the change and pocketing it for herself before getting back onto the highway. "Uh, who said you can keep the change" I joked not really caring. "What? No tip for your driver?" she pouted giving me the puppy eyes. "Not with your shitty driving" I said earning a hit to the shoulder. "I'm not a shitty driver!" she yelled making me laugh.

"Your multiple red-light tickets prove otherwise" I mused taking a sip of my drink. "Ouch" I whined bouncing in my seat as If it would help the burning sensation that spread from my mouth to my throat. Jen laughed at me. "Idiot, that's what you get"

The city soon came into view as we drove down the long highway. I saw the Welcome to Raccoon City sign. Home of Umbrella was written underneath it with a red and white emblem. "What's Umbrella?" I read aloud never hearing of it. "Oh, it's a pharmaceutical company" she answered taking the exit that would take us to the city.

Dammit, by Blink-182 came on the radio and Jen turned the volume up. She slowed to a stop at the red light and started to sing along, completely butchering the lyrics. "Those aren't the lyrics" I exclaimed laughing as she shrugged and continued singing. I rolled my eyes at her as she danced in her seat making the whole car bounce.

When the light turned green the car behind us immediately blared its horn and I rolled my eyes at the person's impatience. Jen scoffed before taking off, feels like I'm back in New York. Another car horn went off and I turned my head to see what the big deal was, two bright headlights blinded me.

Pain spread throughout my body as the car rammed into the passenger side. The impact was so strong, my body jolted in my seat. The coffee cup broke in my grasp, searing hot liquid burned my lap, my head smacking into the window. Something warm trickled down the side of my throbbing head. The last thing I remember was Jen screaming my name before I blacked out.

Author Note: Hello lovely readers! I wanted to edit this chapter! Hope y'all don't mind the minor changes. I felt the original didn't do its justice. Hopefully this seems a little better. I would love to here what you all think of this chapter, the good and the bad!

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