Standing Ovation

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Sitting at the center of the high table was Nicholas Flamel and Daphne could see how cheery he looked. Next to Flamel sat her father, Lord Greengrass his cold blue eyes trained on Harry the whole time.

At Flamel's left, wearing a broad Purple robe with stars on it, sat Albus Dumbledore, his bright blue eyes twinkling merrily as always. Next to Dumbledore sat Cornelius Oswald Fudge, the British Minister of Magic, who like Dumbledore had been informed by the World Group of Alchemist and the International Confederation of Wizards, of Harry's participation and qualification to the final round of the competition.

Daphne had been present when Fudge had caught up with Harry before the start of the final round to praise him of his achievements as he had made both Hogwarts and England proud, he also mentioned that Harry had earned himself an Order of Merlin First Class whether he won this final round or not.

Daphne could have not been any happier at that moment as she looked at Harry with respect, that the man she loved was such an intellectual and gifted person, only if he'd reciprocated her feelings. 'Don't think about that now Daphne, just be happy for Harry', Daphne chided herself, Harry was here making waves in the wizarding world and all she could do was drool at him?

'You know you love him right?'. Daphne groaned, she had admitted her feelings towards Harry last year when she saved him from Tom Riddle.  Daphne had always known she was in love with Harry, he was the one that brought her hope, he gave her a view of life from another standpoint and brought her back in line when she went off track back in her first year and he respected her even claiming she was strong to have survived for that long.

However, it wasn't until the last school year-end that she decided to come out clean with her feelings for him. He had done the reasonable thing by suggesting more time to sort out his feelings but Daphne would not deny that she felt a slight tweak of pain in her heart when she received his response.

'He did say he would get back to you, maybe he's considering you after all'. Daphne forced her thoughts away from her and Harry's discussion last year and moved it back to the present.

Beside her was her sister Astoria who like all the rest of their friends came to cheer Harry on.

Harry had written a letter to all of them informing them of the Alchemy competition before they heard it from the press. He wanted to be the first to break the news to them and invited them to come and watch the final round taking place in Beauxbatons Academy France.

Daphne moved her gaze to the high table once more and saw Sirius Black sitting a few sears away from Fudge with a proud look on his face, the former was permitted to sit on the High table because he was not only a leader in the British Wizengamot but also the legal guardian and godfather to one of the contestants who just happened to be the Boy - who - lived.

In addition to that Sirius's fame was also a factor as the fact that he was once the most wanted and infamous dark wizard in the world and also the first and only wizard to have broken out of Azkaban. This alone drew curious glances from some of the crowd, both in the audience and on the high table.

Sitting at Sirius' right was Remus Lupin whom many of the others were at first skeptical at having on the high table due to his lycanthropy. Dumbledore and Harry though both insisted that he stay as Harry's special guest, and it would have been political suicide for any of them to rescind on the words of the Boy - Who - Lived and the greatest Sorcerer in the world.

The distrustful looks however turned to one of admiration when Griselda Marchbanks, magical Britain Chief Examiner greeted Remus and Sirius upon her arrival, making sure to comment on Sirius' fantastic Transfiguration NEWTs and Remus' outstanding DADA.

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