Borgin and Burkes

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Harry frowned as he materialized seemingly out of nowhere on the porch of the Crawft residence with nothing more than a soft hiss.

He grimaced, giving it all his will to hold down his vomit. Sure he had     never been a fan of magical transportations but he was sure apparition has never felt this worse.

He supposed this was a side effect of disapparating from within a closed field of a fidelius charm with several other wards enveloping it.

Harry was however not left in his consternation for long .

"Harry, to what do we owe the pleasure of this visit". The voice of Anastasia Crawft cried out as she beamed up at him. Harry noticed that he was already taller than Lisa's mom by at least an inch .

" I wanted to check up on Lisa" . Mrs Crawft just gave him a knowing smile spiked with a little bit mischief underneath. Harry ignored her and made his way to Lisa's room.

He sighed as he knocked on the door to his best friend . "Come in mom"

Harry pushed the door to the room and Lisa gasped. "Harry !!!!" . Harry barely had time to blink as a human missile launched at him.

Thud, but he and Lisa landed on the floor. Harry groaned as he dusted his clothes.

"I wasn't expecting you today". Harry looked at his best friend and could not deny she looked really gorgeous. Lisa's skin might not have the regal perfection that Daphne's had or the voluptuous shape of Susan but she was just as beautiful as them in her own right.

Harry noticed that her honey brown hair had grown several inches longer. He also noted some development in her physique. Lisa's breast had grown  bigger since the last time he saw her.

What is wrong with you Harry, you haven't seen your friends in months and all you can think of is her breasts.

Harry groaned inwardly,  curse that bane of teenage existence called puberty, one of the perks of having testosterone secreted in the body by  large quantities is that he was doomed to notice all physical changes and features in the fairer sex. Even Lisa whom Harry had always thought of as someone akin to a sister was not spared from his erotic dreams.

This and the fact that he was not sure he was ready for a romantic relationship was the reason why he hesitated in giving Daphne a reply to her proposition.

"Harry, are you alright?,  you look dazed" .

It wasn't until Lisa spoke that Harry realised that he had been gawking at his friend's body. If not for many meditation sessions and occulumency practice , Harry would have found it really hard to school his face to the neutral expression he wore right now.

"I-I'm fine, it's nothing, why not let's head downstairs, your mom should have set the table by now"

Lisa looked like she wanted to argue but decided to drop it as she slipped her hands into his and on that happy note they made their way to the dinning.

Harry couldn't seriously say he enjoyed the meal. It was nowhere near his definition of an healthy meal but he nodded nevertheless when Lisa's mom asked him if he enjoyed the meal. Harry said an hasty goodbye to Lisa after he promised to visit again  soon.

The sound of him disapparating was totally inaudible as noise and talking filled everywhere as usual in Diagon Alley. Harry pulled the hood of his cloak up and immediately cast a  glamour on his face to change his look

After using contact lens to change the colour of his eyes, he proceeded to the turn that led to Knockturn alley.

Blessed with the natural elegant grace of a Jaguar, Harry moved swiftly without drawing too much attention to himself . Making sure that the hood of his robe cast his entire face into shadows, he made his way to number 13B .

He arrived at the antique shop, it was just the same way it was described by his source. A quick glance of the surroundings revealed that the road was empty . He only hoped his source was right and that this shop had the book he was looking for. Harry fixed his gaze on the signboard that read 'Borgin and Burkes' and without wasting anymore time he pushed the door open. His eyes were first greeted by a vast array of skulls and bones, a good number of them questioningly human. There were also curious looking objects lying around. To the right hand side at, there was the outline of  something that looked like an antediluvian cupboard covered slightly with an cloak.

"C-Can I help you" a voice broke Harry's observation of the shop . Harry turned slowly to look at the  man who . From the stutter in his voice, Harry knew he was afraid, good he was counting on that fear.

"Why, yes Carractus". Harry noticed how slowly his eyes widened from the use of his first name.

"There's a certain book that I need that is currently in this store, and I'm here to 'pay' for it".


Uhm,  that's chapter two,  It's a way more shorter than the previous chapter but I've tried spacing my writings, tell me what you think of it. And sorry about the length, don't worry the forthcoming chapters would contain more excitement and actions . Don't forget to vote,  thank you.


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