Of letters and Alchemy

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Dedicated to Brandon Varnell

Harry watched as the minister escorted by Sirius made his way out of the Black Manor. The former apparated after leaving the confines of 12 Grimauld Place protective enchantments. Sirius turned back to the house and Harry decided to leave for his room before his godfather returned.

Upon getting to his room was he greeted by the sight of Hedwig with a pile of letters .

"How are you doing girl"

"Hoot". Hedwig replied with an urgent flapping of her wings.

Harry rolled his eyes, leave it to Hedwig to ask for Bacon before anything else. Harry waved his hands wandlessly summon Bacon fresh from the Kitchen . Hedwig twooed in appreciation as Harry set the Bacon on a plate before her.

"So who are these from". Harry gestured to the stack of letters.

Hedwig gave a sharp hoot which clearly said, 'don't interrupt me while I'm eating' .

Harry sighed. "I guess I'd be finding out on my own then".

And without further conversations, Harry lifted the letters and opened the one on top. It was from Neville who wanted to know how he and Sirius was doing and also wanted to express his gratitude for his explanation on Tilden Toots article.

Neville also mentioned a few of his rectifications on said article and Harry found the suggestions quite helpful and Harry couldn't help the feeling of warm pride that crept up in his heart when he finished reading Neville's letter.

He remembered how very shy and inferior Neville used to be in the first few weeks first year of their first year. Neville, who before he started attending Hogwarts, had never seem to have gotten any compliments from any of his family members thus lead him feeling relatively inferior compared to the rest of his mates. It was Harry who went of his way in order to build self confidence in the blond pureblood. Clearly his efforts paid off.

Tracey's letter was expectedly filled to the brim with talk about Quidditch. Tracey went on rambling on about how nice it would be to watch the match live and how much the ticket Harry got for them meant to her.

Tracey also hinted a bit that she was scared that the Irish might be defeated by the Bulgarians seeing as the latter had Victor Krum as their seeker. From what Harry had gathered Krum was the youngest professional Quidditch player in the world and the best seeker. According to records, Krum had never failed to catch a snitch before in his entire career.

Harry could see why Tracey was disturbed and truth be told he was slightly worried about the plight of his friend seeing as Tracey's boggart was Ireland loosing the World Cup.

Susan's and Blaize' letters didn't really contain much as neither of the two were exactly extroverts. Both letters however did contain pleasantries and Blaize added in passing that his family were not travelling to Italy this year due to the World Cup.

Lisa's letter unsurprisingly contained a large amount of history . She also sent a book about the records of the Quidditch World Cup since the fifteenth century. Lisa added that her sister had been throwing a fit since she discovered that Harry would be getting her a ticket to the Quidditch World Cup.

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