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Flashes of lightening followed closely by resounding explosions made Harry Potter glad that he had the sense to cast a silencing charm as well as a powerful repelling charm on the entrance to his room before he began the particular experiment.

Sweat dripped from his forehead into the archaic looking book he had convinced Mr Burke to sell to him from which he read the lengthy spell he was currently incanting in gobbledygook while simultaneously reaching out to his magical core and in extension opening all floodgates to his magical reserves.

The strain of doing all of these was already making his eyes water as tears dropped on the frail looking book.

Magical Monste was a book few had ever seen in their life and Harry was not sure whether to call himself lucky to be among those few as the things contained in the book are not exactly recipes for fantastic cakes. The book contains instructions to some of the evilest and darkest form of magic known to wizard kind.

The existence of the book itself was rumored to have been a myth by             many, but the fact that it was labelled in the universal constitution as "a highly dangerous artifact of dark magic" more than proved it existence to Harry. The wizarding decree of Great Britain has also not failed to mention that the punishment of anyone caught in the possession of that particular book is a lifetime in Azkaban.

Magical Monste was authored by a group of wizards called "The red lotus" who were a group of prominent dark wizards in the twelfth century. They were a vicious group of talented wizard assassins that targeted the world leaders of the wizarding community as a whole. The red lotus was what Harry would have dubbed the wolf of the twelfth century.

They were particularly thorough and severe as part of their initiation process involved eating the flesh and drinking the blood of their victims.

This would explain why many of their experiments involved the further discovery of more effective ways to effortlessly kill and it was during one of such experiments that a member of the red lotus invented the killing curse, Avada Kedavra , a curse which none has survived after being hit by it till Harry came along.

Emeric the evil,  who was the third leader of the red lotus, was the one who came up with the idea of documenting their inventions and researches in a book order to keep record of their "marvelous" achievements and also instruct further talented dark wizards and terrorists like them in the future.

Harry concluded the long and nasty spell and gasped for breath.

The spell which had involved a lot of grunting than Latin was invented by Emeric himself for the sole purpose of linking his body to the hereafter. Emeric in his twisted brain reasoned that since life is ephemeral and that everyone dies but one does not return from the dead making time in the world of the death infinite and meaningless.

How he created a spell to link his body to the underworld,  Harry would never know. What he just knew was that the result of the spell was such that Emeric was able to get was able to make his 'body' immortal in a desperate attempt to avoid death. This of course had it toll as a good deal of magic was spent maintaining the spell day by day.

However, what Emeric failed to consider was that his life, his unique existence,  came from his soul and was the soul was absent ,  the body becomes useless. Which was why when Emeric in a duel with his Egbert  the Egregious died after being hit by the killing curse that shot from the latter's wand who was his second in command, his body still remained intact till this day and can be viewed in the Australian Magical Museum.

No one had known why his body didn't decay and no one actually cared but a few who were intrigued casted various verification spells on his body but could not still find the reason.

Emeric's life has been full of hate and ambition, nevertheless some of his inventions were somewhat useful as Harry had just used the same spell Emeric used on his body to power his Homunculus. Harry stared as the creature lying at his feet stirred

Using Emeric's spell, Harry had linked his Homunculus to the underworld as the only way to for it to get a means of attachment to humanity. The world of the death is inextricably linked with life and all living creatures as everyone dies. Emeric explained this in the book using the grace. The grace is an old magical symbols used by wizards of the old when sorcery was at its greatest peak and esoteric forms of magic were popular.

It is a magical symbol composed of two circles, one square, and one star, nested one within another. The outermost shape is a circle, followed by a square inside it, whose corners are touching the circle. Inside the square sits another circle, just large enough to touch the midpoints of the square's sides. The inner circle holds an eight-pointed star, formed of two equally-sized squares rotated 45 degrees relative to each other. Lines radiate out from the points of the star, piercing all the way through both circles, every other line bisecting a corner of the square.

The square represents the boundary separating the spirit world - the Underworld, the world of the dead - from the inner circle, which represents the limits of the world of life. In the center of it all is the star, representing the Light of life.

It is a depiction of the continuum of magic: from its originator; through life, and at death crossing the boundary to eternity with the spirits in the realm of the underworld.  

In order to create his Homunculus,, Harry learned how to draw a grace by following the direction in the book.

The outer circle is drawn first, next the square representing the veil is drawn, the circle representing the world of life is next, and finally, the star is drawn last with its rays going through the corners of the square and out beyond the veil into the underworld.

The grace drawn in the blood needed magic to work however and Emeric used the spell as a sieve to spill in the appropriate amount of magic to complete the linking of his body to the world of the dead.

It was this feat that Harry copied using the same method to give his homunculus something akin to humanity, a link to the underworld which would fill in for the absence of a soul. This link will not only serve as what would tie his homunculus to humanity but also prevent it from being destroyed just as the spell prevented Emeric's body from decaying. And because of its lack of human soul, the killing curse could not work on it.

Harry did the final ritual of creating a magical core by connecting his Homunculus to the Magic force by using his magic as a bridge and,  with his skill in Arithmancy and Ancient runes, create a spell to siphon powers from the Magic force hereby inherently binding the Homunculus to his command.

A voice distracted Harry from his panting as he looked over to see a humanoid figure bent on one knee.

"Master, how may I serve" 


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