17 - A Helping Hand

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Pixal ripped off the police tape that was stuck around the furniture of Steep Wisdom Tea Shop. 

"Whatever crime took place here definitely didn't get much of an investigation," she told Master Wu, who was calmly sweeping the floors. With much of the free time Master Wu had, he decided to clean up his humble tea shop, despite the chaos outside. 

Pixal sighed and turned to the old man. "Master Wu, we really should be evacuating the city, like everyone else. Or at least help the police force at it," The nindroid suggested. 

"I agree, Pixal, but there is not much we can do down here," Wu responded, putting the broom back against the wall and taking his staff. "Something tells me that my students are aboard that ship right now, successfully finding a way to stop Sigma." 

Suddenly a huge blast from the skies above shook the city's floor. Pixal looked at Master Wu anxiously- they rushed outside to see what the situation had escalated to. 

They glared at the monstrous mothership; whatever that blast was, it caused the ship to topple slightly from side to side. The laser that was mounted at the top deck was still firing every so often, while sections of the bustling streets have been reduced to quiet clumps of lifeless matter. 

"I hope your ninja are finding a way to stop this," said a voice from behind them. Master Wu and  Pixal turned to see who it was. 

"Ronin?" Pixal asked, surprised. "What are you still doing here?"

The man sighed and responded;

"Well, after that laser up there disintegrated my shop, I had to get a closer look of what that thing is." He crossed his arms firmly. Another loud bang echoed from the flying ship, causing it to sway again from side to side. As the three of them helplessly gawked at the invader, a faint beep emerged from Pixal's communicator. 

"Oh no

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"Oh no." 

"What is it, Pixal?" Master asked worriedly. Ronin also turned to see what the issue was.

"Nya has just informed me that the ship is in an unstable condition - it is breaking down as we speak, and they fear an explosion may be imminent."

"Well, that's not good." Ronin exclaimed.

"They request that the Bounty is taken to the air, so they can evacuate the ship in time-" The nindroid continued. 

"But didn't they take the Bounty?" The old man interrupted.

"Yes, but a teleportation field caused by the mothership seemed to bring it back - it is somewhere in the city. We must find it before Sigma's weapon destroys it." 

"Then I will go find it and get it in the air," Master Wu said. "You can use your Samurai X suit to standby." 

Pixal nodded and pressed the device on her wrist to bring her Samurai X suit to her location. In just a few moments, the large shining mech flew above and swiftly landed on the concrete next to her. 

"If you need a hand, I can fly R.E.X and standby as well," Ronin offered. "Only because my shop got destroyed."

"That would be most helpful, Ronin - thank you." Master Wu nodded approvingly. They soon split ways, preparing to assist the ninja who were still on Sigma's ship. 

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