Day 5

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Harry had been kept in the hospital for observation. I visited him everyday, 10-2 and 4-8, as much as the hospital would let me. I learnt the name of the nurse who wet met on the first day, Nancy. Xavier stayed with me the first night that we got home, knowing that he would not be able to leave me alone with my emotions. I hadn't seen Aaron since we came home three days ago.

I stared up at the old white clock on my kitchen wall. The flat felt eerie, quiet. Too big for me on my own. I fiddled with the sleeve of Harry's old green hoodie, turning my face into the hood and basking in his scent. I felt a lump form in my throat, a feeling I had quickly grown accustomed to over the last few days. My phone chimed, breaking me into reality once more. I grabbed it quickly, hoping to see a text from Harry letting me know that I could visit him earlier today. Disappointment washed over me as Naomi's name flashed up on my screen. Guilt panged in my chest, I had rang her sobbing when I got home a few days ago, but I hadn't spoken to her since. I quickly dialed her number, and she picked up on the second ring.

"Hey babygirl, I'm two minutes from yours, I just wanted to give you a heads up." she spoke to me down the phone, her tone loving.

I looked around at the kitchen I was sitting in, cringing slightly at the mess I had made. I hadn't found the motivation to cook, let alone clean, so pizza boxes and takeaway cartons littered the room.

"Okay, Nay," I croaked back to her, trying to gather up the rubbish as quickly as I could. Naomi was my best friend and I knew she would never judge me, but still.

It smelled like egg in here.

I hung up the phone and checked the time. I had an hour before I could see Harry, and having Naomi's company could cheer me up a bit. I loved Xavier, but he was sad too, and I knew that he was struggling to give me the comfort that only my best friend could offer. I trudged into the bathroom to run a brush through my hair, scraping it into a high pony tail. My face looked unrecognizable in the mirror. Not because much had changed about my appearance, apart from the bags under my eyes and the lack of make-up. It was the sadness and grief painted onto my face that took me aback. It was the fact that Harry wasn't behind me in the mirror, brushing his teeth and winking at me as he got ready for his day. I didn't know who I was without him by my side.


"Oh, baby I love the way, every day, yeah," Harry sang to me offkey, but I didn't mind. I laughed at his silly antics.

"We're gonna be late to meet Xavier if you keep on, I'm almost ready!" I smiled at him, applying my last coat of mascara. Harry had a blue towel hung low on his hips, his hair damp from the shower he had just taken. He leaned forward and looked at me in the mirror, pulling me back against his hips. I felt something hard against my lower back, and I leaned back to raise my eyebrow at him.

"No chance baby. I told you this morning we had to be at the diner for 9. It's not my fault you wanted to stay in bed." I whispered to him, turning my head so he could place a long kiss on my neck. I felt his lips smile against my skin.

"I wanna be with you night and day," he sang softly against my neck. I reached up to pull his wet curls, angling his face towards mine. His lips quickly captured mine, his teeth pulling my bottom lip into his mouth in the way he knew turned me on. He continued humming into my mouth as he grabbed my waist, turning me to face him fully. He moaned softly as my back hit the sink, the space between us nonexistent. I wrapped my arms around his neck, all thoughts of our morning plans drifting out of my lust-filled brain. I pulled back to look into my favourite blue eyes, Harry's hands travelling up my stomach and towards my breasts. My breath caught as he smirked at me, his song quietly playing on the radio, the tune floating in from our bedroom.

"Lucy..." he whispered to me, his lips finding my collarbone once more. My legs separated as he situated himself between them. "I thought you didn't want to be late." His hands explored my chest knowingly, the feeling was still heavenly after years of his familiar touch. I moaned softly at his tongue darting onto my neck, deciding not to respond to his stupid question. I held his lips to my neck, grinding against the towel on his waist. He sucked at the skin softly, leaving a love bite on my collarbone before pulling away from me. I groaned at him, looking through my eyelashes at his swollen lips.
"No chance baby," he smirked at me, before untangling his body from mine and stepping away from me. I grabbed his towel from his waist, leaving him standing there in all his naked glory. Typical Harry though, wasn't embarrassed at all. He simply let me eye-fuck his body before turning away into our bedroom. I slapped his bum as he strolled away, grinning to myself at how lucky I was.

The memory made me smile, but I felt tears stream down my face once more. A loud knock at the front door broke me out of my emotional trance, and I ran over to let Naomi in. She stood smiling at me in the doorway, her black leather jeans fitting snug around her waist. Her bright green jumper made her dirty blonde hair look brighter, plaited across her shoulder.
"Come here darling," she pulled me tightly into a bear hug. I buried my face into her shoulder, appreciating the comfort she was offering.
"How are you feeling? Are you going to see Harry later?" she asked me, as I led her into the front room to sit on the sofa. The brown leather crunched under me, Harry wanted to replace this sofa months ago, but I liked it's character.
I leant my head back and shut my eyes, the smell of the leather offering a strange level of comfort.
"I'm just waiting for his call." I whispered to her. I felt her movement next to me as she holds onto my hand tightly, an attempt to comfort me and my barely held together mental state.
"Would you like me to come with you babe?" she asked, "It might be nice to have some company? I'd like to see him too, to see how he's doing?"
I opened my eyes to see her smiling at me, but before I could respond I heard the front door opening. Me and Naomi both stood up to watch Aaron storm through the flat straight to his room, not so much as sparing us a second glance.
I watched Naomi's face screw up as she tried to control her temper, and I internally battled with myself as to whether I was upset at how Aaron has been treating me specifically, or just simply upset, end of.
Naomi decided it was the former on my behalf, as her frustration gets the better of her, and I followed her like a puppy as she stomped after Aaron. I heard her muttering profanities under her breath, the words 'selfish' and 'inconsiderate' brushing past my ears. The hole in my gut felt raw, like someone's picked at a new scab, watching the blood trickle out of the wound. I knew deep down my healing process had barely begun, but the way that Aaron had been treating me and the whole situation we were  going through didn't  make me feel any better. My mind struggled to comprehend my own feelings, let alone Aaron's, so I wasn't going to try and understand what he was going through. Instead, the anger took a familiar place in my veins, and the feeling centres me, as if giving me a new focus and energy. My pace sped up to match Naomi's, and by the time we reached Aarons bedroom door, I was ready to explode.
Naomi banged on the door with her fist, then crossed her arms impatiently. When there was no response, she glanced at me.
My brows furrowed as I caught her gaze, then I turned to knock on the door again.
"Aaron? Seriously, what the fuck is your problem?" I asked through the white wooden door, waiting for a response. When I did not receive one, I kicked the door with my bare foot, my anger once more influencing my actions.
"I swear to fucking God, Aaron, if you don't open this door right now, I'm going to-,"
I was cut short with my rant, to have Aaron open the door wide, standing in front of me and Naomi calmly. We all stood silently staring at each other, before Naomi took charge of the situation once more.

"Dude, what the fuck happened to your face?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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