Day 1. part 2.

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Everything was a blur as Xavier ran to Harry's body on the cold kitchen floor. I couldn't look at anything but his fac. I vaguely heard Aaron on the phone behind me, asking for an ambulance and giving the address of the flat. 

I tried to move to help but my feet were glued to the ground, and my eyes to the slumped look on Harry's face. My favourite freckle was slacking to the side along with the rest of his features.


I turned to see Aaron shrugging on his jacket, and nodding his head towards the front door, signalling me to get ready to leave. I followed the simple instruction and tried to focus my head as I put on my trainers. What was going on?

I shook my head and turned back to the kitchen, the adrenline from the situation kicking in as I went closer to Harry on the floor, his body now laying flat where Xavier had moved him away from the smashed plates. He had a cut on his face from where he must have landed on a segement of the crockery, and I grabbed a tissue to wipe away the blood from his cheek. I didn't realise I was crying until I watched a tear drip down onto his chin, and a choked sob escaped from my throat. 

"Why hasn't he woken up yet?" Xavier asked, the worry obvious in his voice. "Surely, if he had fainted, he'd be awake after a couple of minutes..."

I scrunched my forehead in confusion, as I realised Xavier was right. We both turned to Aaron in search of an answer.

"He's right." I said, looking at the concerned look on Aaron's face. "Why did you call an ambulance straight away, before giving him a chance to wake up?"

I watched a strange look cross Aaron's face before his expression flicked back to his usual unreadable one. Before he could respond to my question, we all turned towards the window, hearing sirens in the distance. I turned back to Harry and brushed away a strand of his black hair that had fallen onto his face.

My brain was too foggy to acknowledge the paramedics coming into the flat, and before I knew it I was in the back of Aaron's car, on the way to the hospital. The paramedics had spoken to Aaron, before deciding not to let me in the back of the ambulance with Harry. I stared into the back of Aarons head, trying to figure out what he knew and why he wasn't telling me. I saw his eyes flick to look at me in his rear view mirror.

"Are you going to explain to me what you know?" I asked him. I saw Xavier's head turn away from his phone as he looked between the two of us. He looked at Aaron for a second longer before settling his eyes on me.

"Do you want to call Harry's mum?" he said, and I quickly panicked looking for my phone in my bag, annoyed I hadn't already thought of that. I sent another look to Aaron in the mirror, before scrolling through my contact list and finding her number. It rang once before I heard her familiar warm voice flow through the speaker.

"Hello Lucy dear. How are you?" she says to me happily.

"Hi Andrea, I'm sorry I didn't ring you straight away but Harry's on his way to hospital." I stuttered out, feeling another bubble of tears threatening to emerge.

She didn't reply straight away, before I heard her take a deep breath and a clanging of keys, then a door open and close. 

"I'm on my way darling. Don't worry, everything will be okay." She comforted me somewhat, but I could hear the slight fear in her voice.

"Okay." I whispered back to her. She lived not far from Harry's flat, so I knew she wouldn't be far behind us. She hung up and I stared at my blank phone screen, trying to focus my thoughts as Aaron pulled into the hospital car park. 

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