Chapter 51: Checkmate

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Prince Leonidas

"After this is all over I'll make you a sweet potato pie," Elysse promises who I assume would be Axelia.

I overhear a few of their conversations with Maynard before I realize Herakles is unusually silent.

Curiosity motivates me to sit up but I do so as slowly as possible when my muscles feel as though they have been shaved by a knife.

The burning is almost painful enough to make me lie back down, but I push through the aches and stings until my back presses against the trunk of a tree.

"Are you okay?" Herakles asks and I realize he's been commissioned to watch over me in the shelter of branches while the others sit below.

He has a few streaks of blood on his arms and neck while his bright red and white clothes are coated in it. The moment I hear a calm thudding of his heart I can't help the small veins that slither up my wrists and cause an itch under my eyes.

"I'll be fine once this ends," I answer, turning my head away to busy my mind with what the wolves are doing.

Closing my eyes, I connect with the Alpha telepathically and learn that all the Ferals who were in this forest are now at my Reriman Walls.

"So, your veins just do that because--" he trails off unsure of how to finish his question.

Again I pick up on his pulse and frown as it causes my stomach to groan and jaws to ache. "I'm thirsty," I explain and he ignorantly gets the idea to climb down and share my branch.

"Me, too," he chuckles. "Isn't there a lake around here? I think we could all use some hydration and food."

Narrowing my eyes, I shift my bewildered gaze to him and he pauses in his rambling.

"Herakles, I don't drink water," I exhale a long sigh and then start to lift myself so I can leap down from the tree.

I don't want him to think I'm asking for a donation. There are plenty of bodies scattered around the forest for me to feed from. He's also irritating.

"Hey, wait," he whispers, pushing my shoulder down so my back rests against the tree again. "Your bite wasn't the worst pain I've felt. If you need some more, then here." Shoving his wrist in my face, I find his change of heart towards me suspicious but there is an earnest care in his eyes that convinces me that he genuinely wants to help.

I'm just not used to feeding off people I actually know, let alone other royalty. Earlier it didn't really phase me because I was injured then.

As I press my fangs to his wrist the pressure soothes my gums and then his skin snaps as they pierce through. Cadaekin blood is usually sour and bitter but from Herakles it tastes sweeter and flows smoother than I expect.

Humming, I grasp his arm a little tighter in an attempt to make the blood fill my mouth more but only so much comes out at a time. I drink for a few minutes, then seal his wound as I release his arm. "Thanks," I mutter and once again try to lower myself from the tree just to be stopped again. "What?" I ask, leaning back with a scowl.

"I just want to apologize," he speaks up quickly while crossing his arms over his chest. "For years, I've treated you poorly because I cared so much about what King Valerio thought of me. I was even going to let him force Axelia to marry me."

Guilt fills his eyes so he lowers his gaze and clears his throat.

"I was glad that you challenged me to a duel and that I lost though I didn't expect you to spare my life. She deserves better than someone like myself who just wanted to marry her for money and power. You saved her and that's why I'm here helping. Valerio has so many people convinced that you're--" he trails off in thought, "--something you're not. I'm sorry I ever believed him."

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