Chapter 18: Let Her Go

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Prince Leonidas

I almost bit her again.

Sighing, I stop beside a tree and lean my back against its frosty trunk to rest now that I'm only a few miles from Rerimas.

I'm so thirsty.

A low thumping makes the forest floor shudder beneath me and I glance up as Shadow comes galloping through the trees. She neighs loud enough my ears ring when she sees me and slows her pace to a soft trot.

"He's over here," Alec shouts from where Shadow emerged before Elytis leaps down from tree branches above him.

Blood. Alec has Ciremeth flowing through his veins. I'm not a fan of its sour taste but in my current position I wouldn't complain. I've never bitten Alec before but I think he could handle it.

Just a bite.

Relief shines bright in Alec's eyes as he hurries to join me, but Elytis is shrewd and blocks him from embracing me. "Report to the Queen," he instructs, sheilding the child from my view. My senses redirect to him instead, immediately pleased by the scent of Cadomian radiating from him. "I'll help the Prince back."

"But I--"

"Go, quickly," Elytis snaps at him.

Alec huffs but vanishes.

"Leonidas, where have you been?" Elytis frowns as he wipes his forehead with the back of his sleeve and leans so his hands rest on his knees. "We have been searching for you all day. The Council was preparing to send for the Royal Court."

Wincing, I sigh and struggle to straighten my posture. My head is throbbing.

"I got stuck in Cadomia."

His eyes widen, but before he can shower me with questions I drag myself to my feet and step from the shade allowing my skin to answer for me. When the sizzling begins, he yanks me to him under the shelter of an oak tree. "You're burning?" he exclaims, but notices I'm too fatigued to respond. "This isn't good. Let's get you back."

Pulling one of my arms over his shoulder, he absentmindedly causes my face to bump against his neck where the scent of Cadomian blood is flowing so generously through his veins, I can't resist. "Ely," I murmur into his skin, using my free hand to clutch his shoulder. It's as little of a warning as I can offer before sinking my fangs into his neck causing him stumble a few steps with a low groan before he balances and supports both of our weight.

"Shit," he hisses, knees buckling until he drops to one. His armor clanks as he roots himself to the forest floor. Body stiff beneath me, I can hear his heart pounding and feel him shiver with pain despite his lack of resistance.

It's helpless, his pain. A Royal's bite is excruciating to another vampire, the wounds never fully heal unless sealed the moment after they're inflicted. Eventually, the pain converts to intensified pleasure. Different from how it is for humans. Vampires can experience a heightened, turbulent arousal from being fed on by another, Royal or not.

He must've seen this coming which is why he ordered Alec to leave so soon.

I've never been bitten myself but I've seen it before around the castle, village and especially when visiting other vampire Kingdoms like Relabeth and Rych. Man to man, woman to woman, man to woman and vise versa, doesn't matter. Most vampires choose to be fed from by another for a chance to experience the heightened sexual gratification.

My chest vibrates in a purr as the warmth of his blood travels through me slowly soothing my aches and pains with each gulp. It doesn't flow heavy enough to make this a quick feeding. With my energy so depleted, we will be here for a while. Famished, I cling tighter to him dragging him down onto my lap to withdraw my fangs and deliver a deeper bite further up his neck.

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