58) She isn't good for you

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It's been two hours since our fight and I've been in bed crying ever since.billie's been trying to come in and apologize but I locked the door so she couldn't come in.

I'm not the type of person to cry in bed for hours.Ever.but I don't know what I'm supposed to do,I'm carrying this whole family on my back.
I miss the old Billie,when she actually cared about our relationship and out effort in,now it's just like I'm the only one who's trying to keep everything together.

"Baby please open the door" I hear Billie say through the door

I don't say anything.

"I'm so fucking sorry I didn't mean to hurt you"

"You always say that,if you were actually sorry like the last you would've never said it"

"I do mean it"

"Move out the way" I hear someone say as the doorknob turns

After a couple seconds the door swings open I look up and see Bria walking in

"How did you even get in here" I say

"I opened the door with my pocket knife" Bria says with a smile

"Your a fucking psychopath" I say going back under the covers

"Billie called and told me what happened" she says sitting at the edge of the bed

"Where is she" I ask

"I told her to go pick up the kids" she says

"Oh" I say as my voices cracks

"You can't keep doing this to yourself,I know I joke around all the time but im being serious right now" she say

"I can't keep doing what?,I'm taking care of my family?.no one else is going to" I say

"Aliyah baby Billie isn't good for you,do you see yourself right now?,this isn't my sister,my sister isn't weak she's a fucking bad ass boss bitch,I'm not saying that you can't be vulnerable sometimes but Billie is supposed to be bringing out the best in you not the worst" Bria says pushing the hair out of my face as I start to cry more

"I don't know what I'm gonna do" I say

"What your going to do is get your ass up,Call Ryan and say your going back to work,and your going to stay with me tonight" she says

"But Billie-"

"Billie is a grown woman she can take of herself and the kids for a night,now cmon get up!" Bria says pulling me out of bed

"I'll be waiting for you downstairs" she says with a smile As she leaves the room

I put my hair up in a bun and pack my clothes for the night.I do need a night away from everything,and now I have to figure what the hell I'm gonna do when I Come back

This chapter was way too short for my liking but there is gonna be a longer chapter later tonight.Do you think Aliyah and Billie's relationship should be done for good?,let me knowwww


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