57) Never get a break

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It's the next day.Me and Billie haven't really talked about Our Argument yesterday,I would've brushed it off but she called me selfish because I didn't want Erica here but can you blame me,who would?..
Billie has been acting a little stand off-ish to me,making little comments here and there so I guess she's not over it either.

It's currently ten o'clock in the morning.the kids are at daycare and school,Billie's in the livingroom on the phone with with one of her friends,and I'm still in bed scrolling through Instagram so the house is pretty quiet.

As I'm scrolling through Instagram liking fan pages posts that pop up on my explore page here and there I get a call from Ryan,if you don't know who that is it's my manager

I answer the call..

A: hey,what's up
R: Hi Aliyah so I wanted to talk to you about something important
A:What is it
R:You've been on leave for a while now
A:Yea I know,is something wrong..is sales going down?
R: No sales are just fine,But I think it's time to come back to work
A: But-
R: No buts,I've already extended your leave three times,Sales are just fine but we need new pallets,skin products,we Need the boss lady back everyone misses you
A:You don't know how much I do but I have 4 kids now...and a wife I gotta keep an eye on
R: Billie's working from home right
R: than she can watch the kids and run the arrends your not a house wife your a business owner and you can't abandon something you put so much time into making.
A: Fine,I'll talk to Billie about it
R:okay,but keep in mind you always do what's best for Billie what about what you want

Call end....

The last time I did what was best for me billie ended up leaving on tour for 6 months without me,So what the hell am I gonna do now.First a bitch is trying to take my baby away from me,than I have to deal with the home wrecking hoe Erica,and now i have to figure out if I'm going back to work or not..I can never get a fucking break.

I go downstairs in the living room where Billie is and I see her still on the phone

"Can you hang up I need to talk to you" I ask sitting next to her on the couch

"Not right now" Billie say shooing me away

"Do I have to hang up for you?" I say

She just gives me her famous bitch face and says
"Bro I'll call you back" she says as she hangs up and puts her phone down

"Ryan Called" I say

"About?" Billie asks

"He wants me to come back to work" I say waiting for her reaction

"No." Is all she says as she goes back on her phone

"What do you mean no?" I say a little shocked about her reaction I mean she could've at least said it nicely

"that's all your going to say?" I ask

"Aliyah no." She says with a little laugh not looking away from her phone

"Ok I get that your mad at me or whatever but I'm being serious right now I wanna go back" I say taking her phone from her hands

"Why do you wanna go back now?,everything is just fine how it is" Billie says snatching the phone back

"We both no everything's not fine,I'm dealing with so much right now going back to work would be like getting a break for a couple hours" I say snatching the phone right back

"And you think I'm not dealing with a lot,I have a controlling wife that wants everything to go her way" she says snatching the phone again

"That's not even true I'm trying to do what's best for us,why do you always think I'm just trying to be a bitch" I say snatching the phone from her once again

"Because that's what it seems Like" she says reaching for her phone again but I move my hand back so she couldn't grab it

"So I'm a bitch now?" I ask

"If the shoe fits" she says

"I will smash this phone right now don't play with me" I say as Billie takes my phone from my back pocket and says

"Then I'll smash yours too"

"I didn't even come in here to argue with you I wanted to do the right thing and ask you if I can go back to work but of course you had to be a dick about it"

"I'm not being a dick I'm being honest you asked me if you should go back and I said no!" She says raising her voice

"Yea but it was the other way around I would've been happy for you and said of course but since it's me you don't give a fuck right?,if it's not benefiting Billie than it's not important right?,you don't even see when your being selfish.im not being a bitch about everything I just don't wanna loose you're dumbass!" I say tearing up as I toss Billie her phone back and snatch mines from her hand and run upstairs

I shouldn't have to feel like I have to fight for my wife to be loyal to me,I shouldn't have someone trying to take Alana away from me,I shouldn't feel on edge all the time,I shouldn't have to feel any of this...

This made me a lil sad..poor Aliyah.So what do you think is gonna happen after this?,let
Me know what you guys think.


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