41) Fuck that

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"Hi.." I hear Claudia say with a light smile

"Why are you here,it's literally twelve at night" I say

" we've been texting you and you havent answered" finneas said

"So you you decide to come at 12 o'clock"


"And if I wasn't answering your calls what makes you think I want you here"

"We just want to talk to you,we need to talk to you" Claudia says

"What is it?"

"Well can we come inside" finneas asks

"Umm...I guess" I say opening the door wider for them to come in

As they walk in I hear Claudia says
"This place is really nice"

"I know.you can sit down on the couch" I say bluntly

They both sit down

"Do you want anything to drink"

"Water would be nice" Finneas says

"Sure I guess" I say walking into the kitchen pouring them both ice water

I set the waters in front of them in the coffee table

And sit down next to them

"What do you want to talk to me about" I say with a unamused look

"we are so sorry,we never meant to hurt you we was trying to make the situation better" finneas said

"Make it better how would lying to me make it better!"

"We thought if we didn't tell you billie would eventually stop and everything would back to normal" Claudia says

"So you was just gonna let me look stupid" I ask them

"we never meant it in that way tho"

"At the end of the day all you guys cared about was protecting Billie,no one cared about how I felt"

Then it got quiet of course...

"I miss my bestfriend.." Claudia says

"You lied to your bestfriend." I say getting up

"You can see yourself out" I say walking upstairs

When I finally reach my room I What the front door close

Do they really think after all this time then I'm just going to forgive them...it's not that easy.They played me.hurt me so bad.and now they wanna come and apologize..fuck that

As I get into bed I finally feel myself drifting off to sleep but then my phone starts ringing

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I say to my self sitting up

Why the fuck are these people up so late?!

I look to see who's calling me and it's Billie's management,I pick up the phone

"What!" I say into the phone

"Hi Aliyah..can we speak to you?" Billie's manager Sam says

" why does everybody want to talk to me at 12 at night?!" I say

"Are we bothering you?" Sam asks

"Yea me and my sleep" I say

"Ok well to cut it short we want you to come up tomorrow and have a meeting with us and Billie"

"For what?"

" Billie's album is officially finished we sent you the email but you never answered, since you still own Half of the Business we need your permission to put out the album... we really need you to come tomorrow"

"Wow umm..I'll think about it"

"Please do..the meeting is starting at 3"

"Ok,goodnight" I say

"Goodnight Aliyah"

And the call ends...

The ball is finally in my court I control the situation for once...

This chapter is much better in my opinion, do you think Aliyah is gonna sign the contract.or do you think she's gonna be petty..let me know what you think..


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