"I admire how much you care about your members. But I know for a fact that your well-being is more important to them than the comeback. You don't have to sacrifice yourself."

"I wish YG could view it that way. He's really stressed and he's been verbally abusive to us, saying we're not good enough and we're a disgrace to his company. Especially me, because I'm his least favorite." You could hear the hurt in her voice.

"I don't know why that prick seems to have it in for you, it's not fair considering how hard you work. I really admire how you always give 100% Rosie, just don't let it get in the way of looking after yourself ok?"


"Promise me?"

"I promise (y/n)."

"That's my girl. Is anything else bothering you?"

"No it's ok, that's it. I shouldn't bother you anymore, I just wanted to hear your voice again because I love you so much. You always make me feel better."

"I love you too Rosie, and I care about you more than you believe. Just please make sure you're eating and try to get some sleep if you can. Your hard work will be rewarded by your comeback. Hang in there baby, you're almost at the finish line."


Since you couldn't hang out with Blackpink you spent more time with your other friends. You went out for ramen one night and introduced Jun & Heechan to Alice, Hyeri & Ashley.

Jun was being a goof as always and trying to balance the soy sauce bottle on his head. Him and Jisoo really were meant for each other. Heechan and Alice seemed to be getting along well; it made sense since they were both mature and hard-working. Alice, who had graduated law school with honors, was quite impressed that Heechan was in med school.

You sat by Hyeri and Ashley who were really nice and down to earth; no surprise since they were Rosie's friends. Although, they made you wait until they Instagram'd the food before eating, which was like torture since your miso ramen smelled delicious. Besides that you got along well and laughed lots.

 Besides that you got along well and laughed lots

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You shared cute and funny stories about Rosie. You all agreed that she was too pure for this world and needed to be protected at all costs. You missed her so much. You just hoped she was doing ok.

Rosé POV

We were almost ready to comeback, which was good because I was exhausted and it made me sad to be away from (y/n). Our 6 month anniversary was coming up, and I wanted to make it special but I barely had any time.

I got usually got home after midnight so I only had a few hours before I had to be up again. I would spend some of that time working on a song I was writing for (y/n). I wanted to make a special love song but I was worried it would turn out terribly since I could barely think. At least the acorn soft toy they gave me helped me fall asleep.

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