06 - Amusement Park

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You made sure your first night together in the new bedroom was special. You and Rosie made tender & romantic love so good it felt like you had died and gone to heaven. She had been inexperienced at first, but every time with her was getting better and better. She was a deeply romantic person, and she especially expressed it when it was just the two of you.

For a few minutes after you stayed still, lying there and enjoying each other's gaze. You couldn't imagine a face filled with more love than Rosie's right now, except possibly yours. Her dark brown eyes were as tranquil and soulful as a glass calm ocean.

You told her you loved her, making her heart race and her cheeks turn rosy pink. No matter how many times she had heard you say that, she still melted every time. Sometimes she even cried, that's how much it meant to her.

Still flustered, Rosie whispered to you in her sweet Australian accent. "I love you too."

Your moment was interrupted by a soft bark at the doorway. The puppy had just walked in. You patted the bed for him to come jump up. He kept trying, but he was too small to make it.

"Awww he's too little" Rosie said, leaning over to scoop him up. She put him down between you in the bed and you cuddled him together.

"What should we name him?" you asked.

"Hmm let me think. I have an idea!! Why don't we name him Rosecorn? Like Rosie+acorn, get it?" She looked at you hopefully.

You laughed at her cute suggestion. "It's cute Rosie but it's a little cheesy don't you think?"

"Oh. Yeah I guess." She looked disappointed.

You felt bad for crushing her spirit. Then you got an idea. "Hey, how about this: his name can be Rosecorn, but we'll call him Rosco for short."

Her face brightened up again. "Rosco, I love it! Hi Rosco, say hello to your new mommy and daddy."

The puppy yawned adorably, almost making her cry because of his cuteness. She was a softie alright. It was such a nice feeling to think you would be raising this little guy together; it made you and Rosie feel even closer in a way.

You put Rosco in his bed and tucked him under the blanket. Once he was asleep you snuggled up to Rosie under the plush duvets, her arms wrapped softly around you and her head on your chest just the way you liked. She loved cuddling with you more than anything, and for the first time a long time she felt peace and comfort. You gently stroked her sweet smelling hair and listened to the soft breathing of the sweet little chipmunk against you chest. As you looked at her chubby cheeks and soft facial features you smiled to yourself - she couldn't possibly be any cuter. 


Rosie woke you up the next morning earlier than you would've liked.

You rubbed your eyes groggily. "What's up babe, can't we sleep a little longer? It's the weekend." 

"Jisoo texted me and the girls are all going to the Lotte World amusement park today! We have to hurry if we want to meet them. By the way, Jun is coming too."

"Hmm? Alright, I'd better have a shower then."

"I'll join you, it'll save time."

You smirked at her. "Save time? Really?"

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