44. History Rewritten

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The door slammed into the wall, rattling the glass panel as Albus burst in, his friends pouring in after him.

Albus hadn't known what to expect but it wasn't what he got.

In his head, he'd pictured his father, mid-battle with a red stream of magic shooting out from his wand. In the dishevelled office, Lacero would counter him, standing on to of her desk as she let out an evil cackle. Papers would be flying through the air, caught on fire from sparks shot from either wand. Shelves would fall as dodged spell blasted the walls. Everything would be consumed by chaos.

But instead, Albus was met with quiet.

And somehow, the quiet was worse.

At first, his heart fell into his stomach assuming he'd find the orderly office empty--his dad's whereabouts still unknown. But there was a heavy weight bearing into him that Albus recognised all too well by--the eyes of another. Someone was staring at him.

"Lacero," He whipped his body around, wand aimed at the figure sitting behind the desk.

The fair-haired witch didn't flinch. Instead, a tight smile spread across her lips--a smile that Albus should had recognised before when they'd first run into the beautiful but strange witch in Hogsmeade. It was the same smile he saw thrice a week in Potions lessons. Magnolia's full pink lips that curled in a sickly-sweet grin.

Perhaps the Veela influences had blurred his images of her but under the potion's effects, he could see her clearly now. No more glimmering aura of beauty and innocence for her to hide her hideous intentions behind.

"Ah, lovely." Her voice carried her words out like a song that made Albus' stomach churn, "You're here!" She unfolded her hands, standing to slowly walk around to the front of her desk.

"Where is my father?" Albus' voice came out with a fierce power behind it. For once in his life, he felt no fear, only rock-solid determination. His wand didn't waver from where it was pointed at her throat following her every move.

But Lacero wasn't looking at Albus, her brilliant blue eyes falling instead on Margot, cowering at the back of the group, "I was beginning to suspect you wouldn't hold up your end of the bargain. But Magnolia told me to trust you, despite my doubts. I'm so glad you've decided to stay and fight for our cause with us." She extended her hand in the direction of the mousy girl.

Behind Albus, Rose's jaw fell, "Margot! You--you lied to us?" She exclaimed with disbelief.

Paler than before, Margot shrunk under the weight of everyone's eyes, "I--" She started to say something but couldn't get the words out. Her eyes began to well with tears.

"Come now, dear," Lacero beckoned her over, "You've done us a great service. You'll be safe with me."

Hesitantly, her eyes flickering back on the group, Margot stepped forward. Lacero took her hand gently, guiding her to stand behind her by the desk.

In shock, Albus stood frozen staring at the two women as he tried to piece together what had happened. Had everything Margot told them been a ploy for them fall right into Lacero's grasp? Was Albus' father in trouble at all? How could Albus be so stupid as to fall for another set of lies?

"Albus," Scorpius' whisper broke through to him, tugging on his hand, "We need to leave, now." Albus had never seen such fear in his boyfriend's eyes--building like a flame, a flicker that swelled into a blaze of panic.

This wasn't just a bully coming to taunt them or the swell of anxiety in a crowd. This was danger. Real and serious danger. And all of Albus' friends were in harm's way. He couldn't let them get hurt on his behalf because of his stupid decisions. This wasn't their fight.

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