3rd and 4th Tag! (by ZelTheWeavile and blaziken01trainer)

Start from the beginning

2.) Show us your handwriting.

Brace yourself folks as you are about to decipher my ancient handwriting, lol!

I would like to show you the notes I wrote for my Pokéfic one-shot but then I figured it's a lot messier than any of you can imagine so

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I would like to show you the notes I wrote for my Pokéfic one-shot but then I figured it's a lot messier than any of you can imagine so... there's... that!

3.) What's the weirdest nickname you've ever gotten and what's the reasoning behind it?

Unfortunately, I don't have a weird nickname to share with you guys. If there was or if I remember something silly, I'll tell for next time.

4.) Do you wear shoes in the house?

Now you're asking me if I go barefoot around the house or not? I wear footwear.

5.) Weirdest fear?

Weird, huh? I ain't afraid of ghosts. Like I can really wander around the house without any lights on and it's dark outside but if we're talking about spiders then I'm outta here. Can't handle those freaky, creepy long legs. Just describing it made me shiver.

6.) Random quirk about you?

Just like what has been said on blaziken01trainer's random book, if we're talking about Quirks like in My Hero Academia then I would be quirkless. Funny? No? Fine!

I can get up early in the morning as in WAY too early but I can't stay up late if I would want to.

7.) What's your fashion sense like?

Jackets, hoodies, or long sleeved clothes. I'm comfortable wearing them.

8.) What was your last dream about?

You mean my dream after I just woke up this morning? Sadly, I can't remember. But I always keep this quote from the anime movie "Your Name"

"Treasure the experience. Dreams fade away after you wake up."

I hope whatever I did in my past dreams, I enjoyed it to its fullest even though I know it will be forgotten the moment I wake up.

9.) How tall are you?

I guess I can share this. Don't know if I got taller or anything but the last time I remember was 5'4 and that was 3 years ago according to the records I have from my school clinic.

10.) Funniest/best school moments

There were a handful to list but these moments are always when my class brings home the trophy or the championship title in a school events' competition.

11.) If you could change the world in one way, what would you do?

This is a very timely issue. Eradicate the Coronavirus throughout the whole world.

If we're not talking about a timely crisis then it would be spreading positivity throughout the whole world and erase negativity in any form. Everyone deserves to be happy, even you who's reading this phrase.

12.) How many pillows/blankets do you sleep with?

2-4 pillows and 1 thick blanket can do.

13.) How do you think you're going to die?

Now I don't wanna talk about this one.

14.) Favorite emoticon.

Hmm... let's see...

These three: 😂😆😅

Oh, don't forget this too. 🐼

15.) What's your home screen?

Last time, you want me to show you my lock screen and now it's my home screen this time? I learned it's not necessary to insert the screenshot of my home screen here so I'm just going to show you the picture itself.

Last time, you want me to show you my lock screen and now it's my home screen this time? I learned it's not necessary to insert the screenshot of my home screen here so I'm just going to show you the picture itself

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Yep, it's Sonic and Amy! SonAmy!

FINALLY done. Whew! I'm all worn out from sharing 13 facts about me and answering these questions so I can't think of someone who to tag directly.

Indirect Tag:
If you're friends with either of the two people who tagged me and you're reading THIS then you're tagged.

Thank you all for joining me on this another tagging portion of mine as I'm "Just Sharing" it with you all.

Since I was tagged twice, I will include  a GIF which has double cuteness.

Since I was tagged twice, I will include  a GIF which has double cuteness

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