f o u r t y e i g h t

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finn's POV:

i checked my phone to see we were now in florida. i needed to get away for a little while, and since i knew i'd be bored by myself i brought my little cousin amaya with me.

my phone was blowing up with calls the entire 4-5 hours i've been in the car, they're all freaking out. my mom, y/n, my aunt, everyone.

amaya was crying basically the whole way and i wasn't sure what to do, so i turned baby shark on the radio in hopes it would make her stop crying, which it did so i kept it on repeat for about 30 minutes even though it was torture for me.

jesus fucking christ.. y/n and my mom will not stop calling and texting me. if they text me one more time i'm gonna throw my phone out of the window.. i'm not even lying.. i'm getting to pissed that i can't take it anymore, one more buzz and that's it.

and what do ya know it, another buzz. i checked my phone while still driving causing me to swerve into the lane next to me and hit the car next to me.. everything went black for a moment but then i thought about amaya. i looked in the back seat and she wasn't moving or crying. fuck!

i opened the door then saw the person that i crashed into walking over to me angrily.

"what the fuck man?!" he yelled with his arms open.

"look i have a kid back here give me a minute." i said.

the crash wasn't bad, or so i thought.

when i opened the back door i guess i didn't see this before but there was glass shattered all over amaya, the entire window was broken. i saw a pice of glass in her neck and started freaking out. it was pretty late, around 12 am so it took the cops a couple minutes to get here, i'm guessing a bystander called them.

i took her out of her car seat and pulled the glass out of her neck and watched as her face started to get purple and she was now lifeless in my arms. i started crying because this was all my fault.

the cops got here a couple minutes after and tried taking the baby away from me but i wouldn't let them. they called even more backup and and ambulance for amaya when though i'm sure there was no chance of survival for her.

"what's your name son?" the cop asked me.

"finn." was all i said while hugging amaya.

"wolfhard?" when he asked me this, it caught he off guard but then i remembered he had to of known me from one of my movies or something.

"yeah." was all i said as i continued to hug amaya tight.

i looked up at the cop and i didn't recognize him, but he was still staring at me.

"what are you looking at??" i yelled uncontrollably.

"are you my daughters boyfriend?" he asked.

"what??" i questioned, not really paying attention though, then saw the ambulance park in front of me. the rode was closed off since the accident happened in the middle of the road.

"i'm y/n's dad." he said as one of the officers took amaya from me. my eyes widened when he said that.

"i- i thought you were in jail or something?" i walked away from him because i didn't need to be focusing on that right now. i walked up to the ambulance and they took amaya from me and laid her on the stretcher, then quickly put her in the ambulance and drove off. that means i was forced to go back to the cop, or should i say y/n's dad??

"i'm her real dad son." he said. i didn't know she had a real dad.

"i'm sorry i can't-"

"it's okay. why don't you take a seat and calm down for a second." he cut me off and took a seat next to me on the side of the road.

"just arrest me now." i put my arms up and in front of his face because i already knew what was gonna come next, but he just started laughing.

"listen, if you will do some things for me, i won't arrest you." he said.

"what... things.." i said in confusion.

"fuck!" i scram and tugged at my hair, it just came out. every time one good thing happens, something bad always happens. it's like i'm not even in control anymore.

"calm down buddy." the cop said while rubbing my back.

a couple minutes passed as the cop was comforting me, and i finally stopped crying.

"so.. does she ever talk about me?" the cop asked.

"uh, to be honest no. only ever her step dad." i said. he gave me a disappointed look and put his head down for a second.

"she likes him better than me?" he asked.

"n- no. she hates him, to death." i said. "she only ever says how much she wishes he never came into her life." i added, i watched the cops face light up.

"is she doing good?" he asked me.

"well.. we went through a lot together. she's never going good but she seems to be doing the best without me."

"what do you mean by that?" he asked me.

"like, whenever we're dating and say we got into a little argument, she would either run away and make a big scene, or run into her room and slam the door and i won't see her for 2 days. she's a mess but i love her, i really do." i admitted.

"i'm sure you do. now, does she still live at her house with her mom and step father?" he asked me.

i looked up at him and took a deep breath, he didn't know that y/n's mom is dead and i was gonna have to be the one to tell him.

"uhm. actually, not sure if you knew this but her mom is dead.. she's been living with me for over a year now." i said. he looked at me, and his face lit up.

"what..?" i asked.

"can i see her? her mother never let me see her.. the last time i saw her was when she was 10, i miss her." he said.

"oh uh, sure? wait, how did you know we were dating?" i asked him.

"social media.. i follow her socials she just doesn't know it's me." he told me, i found that kinda strange but i didn't say anything.

"well now i have no car, no way to get home or even to the hospital to see amaya, who is dead and probably won't survive." i said.

"hey, don't worry, i'll take you to the hospital and home. you can stay with me for a little bit, alright?" he told me. i shook my head yes even though i was unsure of this.

He Saved Me. (Finn Wolfhard fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now