Chapter 16 : Your Shadow

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Everyday I will go to the hospital and just be with him. After school or even after dinner. I will do my assignments there just not to waste a minute that I wanted to be with him. He will play his piano while I'm studying, it was very comforting to me. 

After a week he can't barely hold his spoon. 

He's having trouble walking. 

He's slowly getting thinner and thinner. 

I was afraid to go and see him. It was so hard to look at his face smiling and I can see his body is not okay at all. It was too much. 

Sunday came and I was at my house all day. 

*Knock Knock

My mom opened the door.

"Al aren't you going to Kyle's?" She asked. 

I was just lying in my bed and then suddenly tears fell from my eyes. I was trying so hard to be strong in front of my friends, my family and Anderson. But little did I know that it was self destructing to me. 

"Ohh sweetie. What happened?" My mom asked again. 

"Mom.. I can't. I just can't look at him and hear him say everything's gonna be alright when I know that it's not." I picked up my pillow and cover my face. 

She brushed up my hair and said,

"Do you know what I regret the most when your dad died?"

I looked at her and just listened there while crying. 

"That I didn't get to say goodbye.." And so she smiled sadly. 

I got up and hugged her. 

"You know sweetie, If I had known that it will be my last day seeing your father, I would've cherished every minute with him.." She continued saying that and started crying too. 

"I know.. Thanks mom." I whispered. 

She kissed my forehead and went out the door. 

"You're brave Al. Just like your dad." And she finally closed the door. 

The fact that I'm too scared means that I really love him. But my mom was right. How much will I regret not going after he's gone? My head was about to burst with all the thinking. I just had to go there and be there. I thought I had to something. I thought I was too powerless to heal him. And I'm missing the most important thing I had to do: Be with him. 

After lunch I packed my things and went to the hospital. 

I had collected all my courage and strong will to be there. 

I walked slowly in the hallways and finally stopped at the front door when Mama Amy and Papa Joe showed up. 

"Allie dear!" Mama Amy then hugged me. 

"Thanks for coming." I said. 

"How's he holding up?" Papa Joe asked. 

"He's.. bright as always." I answered. 

"Allie, here. We brought you something." Mama Amy gave me a box and smile softly. 

"It's the perfect piece I've been looking for." I said. 

We entered the room and saw Anderson's parents watching television while Anderson was just lying at his bed. 

"Mama, you're here." Anderson's mom said. 

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