Chapter 13 : Rainbow

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How many days was it since that summer trip?

It wasn't that long but somehow it felt like a decade. 

'How would you feel when you fell in love?' This was something I asked Tiff a while back during that summer break. I was trying to identify my true feelings. I was torn between feeling love and just overwhelmed. 

"Hmm, whenever I fell in love with someone it just feels like my whole day was perfect. I could go on smiling and waving at everyone. It just seems like the world was full on sense and I could do almost everything.." As she explained to me through phone. 

I think for me it was a little different. 

I just felt alive. 

I was so excited to go on that first day of the semester, and I haven't felt that in a while.

And not seeing him at school was like a nightmare all over again. 

I just died instantly. Moreover after hearing what happened. 

But right now, I felt like sunshine again. 

Maybe this is love for me. 


We walked moderately with Grandma Anderson. 

The sun was so high that it's blocking Anderson's face with his height. 

As we reached the their tiny gate, Anderson didn't even know how to react.

"Dear! You have guests!" Grandma Anderson said while dragging me and Tiff inside their front yard. 

Me and Tiff said our good morning to Grandpa Anderson and of course, Anderson himself. 

"How--? What are you two doing here?" Anderson was stunned. 

"You could chitchat inside, I'll make some hot cocoa." Grandma Anderson seems to be so happy having us here. 

We went inside the house. 

It was a very polished house made out of stones. You could see all their photos hanging on all corners of the wall. There was a big Pool table in the middle of the house. You could also see big vases everywhere. There's also that warm feeling like everywhere you look inside that house it was full of love. 

"Sit down here dears." Grandma Anderson said. 

I could really see that Anderson is still in shock because he hasn't been saying anything since we went inside their house. 

We sat down and Anderson sat down in front of us?

"So.. a little awkward you guys?" Tiff broke the silence. 

"I just.. I don't believe this. Haha!" Anderson finally laughed. 

"How did you even find this place?" He asked. 

"Girl's specialty." Tiff winked. 

"That's kinda creepy. Haha." He laughed again. 

Then it went all quiet again. I just can't keep up with them. 

"I.. think your grandma and grandpa needs a little help with those hot cocoa, I'm gonna go help. You just stay here Al." Tiff was making a weird face giving me big eyes that kept on winking. 

She stood up and finally went to the kitchen area. 

It was so quiet that you could hear the clock ticking. 

It was like whenever I'm at my house inside my bedroom hearing the noise from the outside world. 

"How's school?" Anderson finally talked to me. 

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