Chapter 5 : Classroom

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Finally Summer break is near. I was wondering where to go.. more literally, to hide.

Tiff: AL? Are your family going somewhere this summer?

AL: I don't know. i really don't care as long as it's quiet.

Jesse: Mine's going to the beach or something like that.

Tiff: hmm. ohh!!! okay guys, I'm gonna suggest something brilliant!

I don't what Tiff's thinking, but I really bet that this is something not meant for me. As always.

Jesse: Okay. Let's hear it.

 "Actually, No. I'm going now." I got up my chair, we were at the school library, quiet and a really nice place to read, and they're talking about Summer vacation which is really an irritating word for me since it'll have like many people in the streets, even malls and beaches and everywhere else. I hate that.

 "No. You are staying." 

Jesse grab my bag and pull me down the chair again.

 "Why?" I was looking at Jesse and Tiff.

 "Well why you ask.. we can't let you be alone, Anderson might just be really up to something considering what happen in the Cafeteria yesterday." Jesse said.

 "Fine. just thins once." I pretended like I like when in fact I really don't like listening this "summer vacation plan thingy".

Tiff: Okay. So here's what I have in mind.. I'm planning on going on a trip with our whole batch! *clap*clap

Jesse: WHOLE? meaning?

Tiff: Come on Jess. think! It's our senior year next semester and this is the only way for me to see the one that I like! there I said it.

Jesse: so, you're just gonna use our whole batch to be with the one you like?

Tiff: Not really. I really want to spend time with you guys too. And most of the time AL's not having a good summer, maybe it's time we give her a summer she'll never forget, right?

Both Tiff and Jesse are looking at me, I just said "No thanks. I'm good on my own." But Tiff is just so persistent.

Tiff: Please AL! just this once. Don't worry, I'll let you meet the person I like.

Is Jesse alright with this? I mean, I know that he has a crush on Tiff since a long time ago.. Is this really okay for us to meet the one that Tiff likes? Will it not hurt Jesse?

 "Jess, what about you?" I asked him to know if it's really okay with him. I mean I don't really know anything about love, but Jesse's my friend and Tiff too, so I really think they just have to be together.

Jesse: what me? I'm cool whatever you both decides on.

Hmm. I don't really think this is okay.

Tiff: okay! it's settle. I'm gonna talk to the other classes! see you guys!

Tiff ran off the library and went to the other batch's class to confirm about the said trip. Maybe on that trip I could set up Tiff and Jesse? wait, is that okay with Tiff? I mean she have someone she likes.

 "Ms. daydreamer.. what are you thinking?" Jesse poke me in the forehead. He don't even know what I'm thinking.

 "Jess.. is that really okay? the trip?.. and Tiff?.." This is so unlike me, concerning other people's business.. but it's Jess and Tiff, and they're my friends, I should really be concern.

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