Chapter 2 : Kyle Anderson

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        "Hey Jess, who's that guy with Nickie?" I was so curious about that guy. He talked to me like he's been friends with me for a long time, and how could he say such words that easily? Like I should fall in love with him? No thanks. His like an idol in our school or something like that.

        "Who? Anderson? Why you ask?" Both Jesse and Tiff are looking at me like they're investigating my whole mind going through my brain then nerves, then feelings. 

        "Nothing. He just seems.."

        " your type?" Tiff shouted that out loud and begun to figure a *worrying face*

        "Do you like Kyle Anderson?!" again, Jesse said that loud and was surprised I guess?

        "WHAT? No. I just happen to know him in our Literature class." I was out of my no-emotion-face. My face was looking shy and I don't really understand this feeling. I think I'm just curious about him that's because of what he said back in our class.

        "Woah. That's a relief. Don't ever ask him again." Jesse gave in a big sigh while putting his hands in my shoulder relieving about what I just said. 

        "He's a very mysterious guy. He dated girls in our school whatever grade they're in, and then after a month he just dumps them.. like trash." Tiff said that angrily. Now I see why he wants to hit on me.. just to dump me or make a fool of me. Nope. I am not taking any chance on making his plan come to life. 

Anyway, I told them I was just curious so that they'd stop worrying and asking questions. That's just like me, I wanted people to stop worrying about me and asking questions and making them do stuffs for me.. it's like they're wanting something in return, so I refuse their help.

(At the Coffe shop)

        "Hey AL, what do you want to your frappe?" Tiff is like my mom, she would do this to me. She always took care of me. She knows what I want and when I wanted it. She's the only person in this entire world that I'm happy to be worrying about me. 

        "You know that well better than I do Tiff.." 

     "Ohh~ yes. I know! just like always... She's having Chai Chiller Frappe and for me.. hmm. Caramel Frappe!"

We always sit beside this shop's window. You ask why I wanted windows as always? Well, that's because I get to see my reflection. My look's not that attractive so only I can see it. I'm wearing an old plain light blue shirt with a white silk jacket pairing with black jeans and a sneakers. My hair's on its everyday routine, brownish black messy looking. That's me. Nothing to see really.

        "AL? can I ask you something?" suddenly Jesse interrupted me in my dreamland.


        "Why do you keep on looking at the glass?" Both Jesse and Tiffany looked so curious. I was intended to say something..

I gave the glass a breathe, it was winter so the glass would definitely make a part of it as opaque. then I drew a face.

        "See that? It's because when I see the glass.. I always see my reflection.. and seeing that reminds me of who I am. What I want... and What I am now.."

After saying that, I look at them again. I never see them that astonished as this time. They look happy and at the same time shocked? Maybe because, it's very rare for me to say deep things like that or to even open up to them. I usually have my own space and my own world only to me.. I'm not use to sharing it with people, even to them. 

        "Wow. that's the first AL.. you never mention that to us.. and now we know." Jesse smiled at me and even Tiff seems happy about it. I might start opening up to them now, maybe it's a good start to change? Wait... why should I change? 

        "Oh. guys I need to go home now, My mom's fiancee's parents are coming so.."

        "It's okay. See you tomorrow AL!" Jess and Tiff waved me goodbye. Then I went out and waited for the bus to arrive. It's 5:00 in the evening.. Maybe my mom wants me to help her make dinner or make me buy something good for Danny's parents, because we usually have dinner at 7 in the evening. Whatever, I just need to be home at 6. Here's the bus. 

I sat on the middle part of the bus because my house is not that far. While I was watching the roads go, someone from the passengers switch his place beside me. 

        "HEY AL! I didn't know you ride this bus too."

I turn around. WHAT? This is not possible..

        "Why are you here?" I ask him looking surprised and ablaze. 

        "Why AL? Heh. You're not the only one that's allowed on this bus right? It's not like you own this or something. I need to go somewhere you know."

You might think who is this person. It's Kyle Anderson. The one that Jesse and Tiff wants me to avoid. I don't remember him being in the same bus as me even when I started going to middle school, so why did he show up now?

        "Are you following me? Are you stalker?!"

        "What?! Of course not! I told you I need to go somewhere.." He smiled at me and looked at me from head to toe.

        "What are you looking at?" I gave him a killer face like I'm about to stun him.

        "Nothing.. it's just that.. You always wear that pair of jeans and sneakers.. and this sweater. You're like an old maid." He laughed so hard that people on the bus begun to look at us.

        "That's none of your business wether I look normal, abnormal or even an old maid." I turn my back to look at the window again. 

        "Okay. But one day, I'm sure to make you change that look and attitude." again with that smile. What is up with him? He just suddenly came in my peaceful world only to destroy that peace. Then came telling me that I should fall for him and what now? He even wanted to change how I look? What's with him getting involve with me?

        "What are you---"

        "This is me. Bye AL, I'll see you at school!" He waved goodbye as he get off the bus. Where is he going? It's not like he's going home, cause he said that he NEEDS to go somewhere.. Wait, he went inside a hospital? Maybe he's visiting someone sick? family member? or girlfriend...? Wait WHAT? What am I doing looking at where he goes? Ugh. I shouldn't be concern about him. He's just a strange guy with bad motives. Yes, I AM AVOIDING HIM FOR GOOD.

Okay. Home at last. 

        "Mom, I'm home." No body's welcoming me, where are they? Even Aunt Lucy and Uncle Phil's not here. 

        "Aunt Lucy? Phil? Mom?.." Hmm. Where are they? Not even notes left? the kitchen is not that empty. The grocery bags are just left in the nook. I wonder where they are..

*vvvvrrrrr...vvvvrrrr* (Phone ringing) Oh. My phone's ringing. 

        "Hello? Aunt Lucy where are--- what? Okay okay I'm coming." I rushed out of the house. Never mind what I'm wearing. Had my school bag with me and get on a bus.


        "AL! I've been calling and sending you emails! Where are you? Your mom's hurt! She's in the hospital right now..."

What happen to her? 

...To Be Continued...


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