"Stand behind me. It's going to be fine." I said, and followed Steve in.

The two Maximoff's cautiously walked behind me, and I gave them a nod to say that I'll protect them if someone attacks.

Me and my kids make a fine squad if I do say so myself.

"Shut it down!" Steve yelled, and Tony grinned, then looked over at me, noticing the twins behind me.

"Nope, not gonna happen." He said, shaking his head, his smile dropping.

"You don't know what you're doing." I pointed out, glaring at Tony and Bruce, making Tony scoff a little, and Bruce cross his arms.

"And you do?" Bruce interrupted, making me stare at him.

He looked behind me at the twins, before meeting my eyes again.

"She's not in your head?" He asked, pointing at Wanda, making me hold my arm across her in a protective stance.

"I know you're angry-" Wanda tried to reason with him, but Bruce looked madder at the sound of her voice.

"Oh, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade."

Jesus, Bruce.

My eyes widened, and Steve stepped in front of me, his protective side coming out.

"Oh so you're protecting Harper and the Maximoff's now Cap?" Tony glared at him, and I smirked.

"Jealous, Stark?" I asked, making him shake his head.


I rolled my eyes as if to tell him that I knew he was lying, and Steve cleared his through to interrupt us.

"Banner, after everything that's happened-"

"That's nothing compared to what's coming!" Tony yelled, and I jumped a little.

That was the first time I've heard Tony raise his voice that loud.

"You don't know what's in there!" Wanda shot back, pointing at the cradle.

"This isn't a game." Steve said, and I looked at Tony again.

He was already staring at me.

"You're siding with Cap and the twins? Really?" Tony asked, and I scoffed.

"At least I'm not building another murder robot, Stark. You should have learnt after Ultron."

Pietro quickly ran around the lab, destroying the equipment in his path, but fell through the floor when a bullet was shot up at him.

"Pietro!" Wanda shouted in worry, and the source of the bullet was explained when I heard Clint.

"What? You didn't see that coming?" I heard him ask Pietro, and Wanda ran to go get her brother.

"Go ahead, piss me off." Bruce got in Wanda's way, warning her.

"Bruce, enough!" I yelled, as Thor burst into the room, hitting the cradle with Mjolnir, sending lightning everywhere.

A completely red man sprung out of the cradle, and went haywire, as he and Thor went flying through the glass.

Tony grabbed my hand, pulling me underneath a desk and covering my face with his bicep.

"I'm sorry if you're mad at me." I said as glass shattered around us.

"I'm not. We good?" Tony asked, and I nodded.

He dragged me out from under the desk when the fighting stoped, jumping down a story to see everyone staring at the man standing next to Thor.

"Thor, you helped created this?" Steve asked, and Thor nodded.

Make Me. ~ T.Stark Where stories live. Discover now