fourty nine

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"Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things feel too strong to be a coincidence."

Aphrodite Stark.

We came at Thanos in different directions.

Tony shot large beams at the Titan using both of his hand repulsors, and I used a tornado of air to hold him in place, forcing Thanos to get hit by the beam.

I jumped on his back to take the air out of his lungs, and Steve threw his shield at the Titan at the same time.

Thanos grabbed me, holding me in front of him to take the blow of the shield, but I raised the Earth to form my own shield, blocking myself from the impact and making the Titan roll his eyes.

I made a ring of fire around him to prevent him from moving, and he looked at me in surprise, not expecting it.

"Do what you want to do boys!" I exclaimed, but Thanos used his double ended sword to sweep the flame off the ground, stepping outside of the ring.

Bad choice.

I manipulated the fire in his sword, sending it racing up his arm, burning the flesh there as he yelled him anguish, dropping his weapon and making me smirk, walking towards him.

Thor threw Stormbreaker at the Titan, and I grabbed onto it, letting go right before it hit his chest.

I wrapped my legs around his neck, and placed my hand above his mouth to finish the job, but he grabbed my waist, throwing me towards a stalagmite.

Before it could impale my stomach, I pushed myself up, flying into the air and standing on a rock, twisting my ankle slightly on impact.

I'll take a twisted ankle over death any day.

"Okay, Thor. Hit me." Tony said, after his suit grew back, allowing a chamber to harness energy.

Thor hit Mjolnir and Stormbreaker together, combining them with the sheer power of his lightning, sending the blast straight to Tony.

His suit absorbed the blast, and Tony used both his hand blasters to send the beam barreling towards the angry Titan.

I quickly reacted, using the rubble to lock the Titan's feet in place, making sure he couldn't move or defend himself against impending attacks.

It proved to have little success though, as Thanos twisted his blade around to divert the energy, almost like a fan maneuver, and it worked, much to my surprise, and annoyance.

Thor was unfazed by it though, and used Stormbreaker was a bat, to hit Mjolnir and send the hammer flying over to Thanos.

The thought made me grin, but Thanos picked up Tony with ease, using my husband as a shield, resulting in Tony flying backwards.

I sent a gust of air underneath my husband, making sure he wouldn't hit the ground too hard, but the impact was still rougher than I wanted it to be.

I thought he was going to get up and keep fighting, but he didn't.

Steve tried to attack Thanos, but was easily tossed to the side, so I wrapped the Earth around the Titan's body like vines.

Make Me. ~ T.Stark Where stories live. Discover now