twenty three

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"Sometimes, breaking out of a certain mentality is like planning a prison break. You can't just go for it and hope for the best, it requires strategy."

Aphrodite Harper.

"Alright, I'm getting out of here. No plan, no strategy. Let's get it poppin'." I said, and Clint laughed at me.

"You know they can hear you, right?" He asked, and I shrugged.

"Correct. If they come, they die. It's simple logic, Barton." I smirked, and cracked my knuckles.

Tony needs me.

Steve needs me.

So I'm gonna be there.

"You sure you don't wanna plan this out?" Sam asked, and I shook my head.

"They can hear me, what's the point? I could think up the most articulate plan in the whole world, and it still won't work because they'll know exactly what I'm doing, Sam." I pointed out, and he nodded, knowing I was right.

"Y'all in or out?" I asked, and they were silent.

"I'll do my time." Sam said, and Wanda nodded.

"I'm not getting in more trouble." She said, and I sighed.

Fair enough.

"I'm hoping they'll put me on house arrest since I have a kid. Clint could do the same." Scott said, making Clint clap.

"That's smart. You're on your own, Dite. Good luck." He said, and I smiled.

"It's been fun guys. Hopefully I see you again, but not here." I laughed, and they chuckled.

"Good luck, Aphrodite." Sam said, and I smiled.

I cracked my back and neck, smirking to myself, and summoning a small ball of fire, holding it to the thick glass holding me in.

The glass eventually started to crack, slowly but surely spreading over the entire wall.

Once it had cracked enough, I stopped burning it, and sent a large gush of wind at it, making the wall completely shatter and fly into the middle of the room, away from me.

"Holy shit!" Scott exclaimed, and I stepped out of my cell, wiping my hands and grinning.

"That's how you do it, kids." I laughed, and Wanda smirked.

"Good luck."

"Don't need it." I winked at her, making her smile a little.

I walked up to the metal door, which had a keypad.


Placing my hands on the metal, I closed my eyes, moving my hands up and down the door, trying to find the earth inside of it.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

"There you are." I grinned, feeling the earth inside the door.

I punched the door, feeling it bend at my will, and ripped it off the hinges.

"How the fuck did you do that?" Clint asked, and I turned around to look at him.

"There's earth inside metal. See you later." I smirked, and ran outside the room, to find two armed guards running towards me.

"I wouldn't, gentlemen." I warned, but they ignored me, taking their stance and aimed at me.

"Have it your way." I said, sending air into their guns, causing the barrels to expand and explode in their hands.

I sent the two men flying afterwards, running between them and pushing myself up the ladder instead of climbing it.

Make Me. ~ T.Stark Where stories live. Discover now