"You must one cocky son of a bitch to think I wanted you for your fucking money or your dick! I left because I know nothing about you!"

"What are you talking about?! I shared my home with you—"

"Shut up, Taeyong! I fucking trusted you with my dreams and hopes and life but you gave nothing of yourself to me! I confided in you, I told you about my past and my present, and I bared my soul and body to you! While you, always the goddamn unfathomable and ambiguous Lee Taeyong, gave me nothing of you! Zero! Zilch! Nada! I don't know what I am to you! What was I supposed to think, y- you bastard?" you voice cracked, as you stared up at his eyes.

"Y-you" your voice broke and turned hoarse "y-you treated me like a toy. You took my virginity. You only called me over to fuck— I felt I was a whore. You gave me the best nights of my life, but you left me scarred for the rest of my nights.

His silence wrung as heavily in your ears as his shouting did. It wrung in your ears like a siren while, he could only look at you with an inscrutable expression of his face, like he couldn't figure out whether to get angry or cry.

"Get out, Taeyong. Go use someone else to make money off of. Go be dishonest somewhere else." You spit out and close your eyes. Your back turned to him at you stare at the textured cream wall, desperately not trying to burst out bawling.


You spin around on your heel to yell at him some more, but Taeyong appears at your back few inches away from you, far too close for comfort. His inscrutable expression morphed into something that looked like determination, and his smoldering eyes held you in place as he wrapped his arms around your waist. Your mouth drops open in shock at his audacity before he leans his forehead to yours and sighs.

"My name is Lee Taeyong." he started out quietly, eyes closed as if in prayer. "I am 27. I'm from Seoul, South Korea. I like to paint, I love macarons, and I hate dirty rooms. But you already know that. I am Lee Taeyong. I never really got along with my mother, perhaps that's the reason I'm doing so bad with you." He laughed bitterly. "She raised me to close off myself to others, not ever to trust a female. But I can't blame her for... for my behavior. I am scared of the people who judge me, even though I am an artist and am constantly judged by the public, critics still make me want to put down my paints."

"I came to the US when I was 19, on scholarship to Parsons. I didn't know English very well at all, and I struggled to communicate with those around me, and I chose to delve into my craft even deeper. You... inspired me, and remember my speech at Parsons? I didn't know how true it was until you entered my life. I didn't know to what extent inspiration turned into obsession, how intensive it went. I'm not using you just to make money; you genuinely make my heart lighter and make me feel things I haven't ever felt, and these things were hard to communicate. I did the best way I could, by painting you just the way I see you, but I think I didn't get through to you."

"I didn't mean to make you feel like some on-call whore. I thought... I thought I could make up my absences with time spent in bed with you. That my missing days from home could be covered up by a few drawn-out orgasms. Guess it didn't work, because you aren't at home. With me. In my studio. In our kitchen. In our bed." Taeyong lifted his forehead from yours and buried in your hair. He took a deep breath, comforted and saddened all at once at the familiar smell of peaches-and-cream that still plagued his memories like a ghost. The smell that he could faintly smell in the shower that he tried to scrub off until his skin turned red.

"But most importantly, the thing that you should know about me, in all my bumbling attempts to make you mine, is that I... I care for you. Fuck, I love you, and I'm so goddamn sorry I drove you away from our home. Please tell me it isn't too late, because I'm sorry for everything I've done to make you feel used and unwanted. Please."

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