Chapter 15: Teresa's POV

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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while, schools' been really hectic but I should be able to get back on track here soon. Thanks to everyone that's read the story so far, I'm up to 704 reads and it's awesome :3 You guys are the best!

Summary: Shorther chapter. RJ calls again.

It was close to midnight when Patrick, Annie and I had finally decided to go to sleep, or at least to bed. Patrick refused to let me sleep on the couch and I refused to let him sleep anywhere but his bed. It was starting to become our new definition of 'normal'. 'Not unusual for coworkers.' I tried to convince myself.

It was almost three in the morning when my phone started to vibrate. I tried to reach around Jane and grab it but of course, him being the insomniac, was able to pick up the phone and answer it.

"Hello, Lisbon's phone, Patrick speaking." He smirked at me and I shot him a death glare. He better be enjoying this.

"Give me that." I whisper and he placed his hand up in the air to keep me from repeating myself.

"Listen here you son-of-a-bitch," Patrick barks into the phone, "If you touch so much as a single hair on their heads it will just give me another reason to kill you."

I reached for his arm, now knowing who was on the other end of the line.

"Jane give me that." I insisted and of course he refused. He hung up the phone and angrily smashed it back down on the night stand.

"Patrick what did he say?" I snuggled into his chest so I could hear him better, or at least that was my excuse, "Did you say their?"

"Go to bed Teresa." He instructed in a monotone voice, "Just go to sleep."

"Patrick what is going on. My brother is out there. Alone. Taken hostage by one of the most notorious criminals of our time. Don't tell me to sleep, we both know I won't. Tell me what's going on."

"I can't do that Teresa, it will only put you in more danger." He started to rub my back and leaned his chin into my forehead, heat radiating from his body, "I'm just trying to keep you safe. You have to trust me."

In that moment I wasn't sure how I felt. Yes I trust Patrick and he has always kept me safe but he had let me down so many times before. Ripped my heart right out, threw it in a paper shredder, then tried to put it back together. It didn't seem like I had much of a choice. I had to trust him.

"Tomorrow." I said, "You'll tell me tomorrow, you hear me?"

"Yes love, tomorrow. All will be well tomorrow." He kissed my forehead and pulled me closer to him. "You are safe, you are loved, and you are wise."

"You are too." I reply and kiss his lips, a burning sensation starting to form.

I wanted him. I wanted to love him and be loved by him and be carefree but it was wrong. Tommy was gone.

Was it so impossible to believe that while doing such a terrible thing Red John had also created something so beautiful? At this point I wasn't sure.

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