Slytherin; 1 Sep, 1972

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"Black, Regulus" 

It was only the second name to be called that night. The boy called walked forward, his lip quivering ever so slightly, and his grey eyes shone like storm clouds, a light determined to shine behind the swirling shade of nothingness.

He sat down, automatically adjusting his robes, and placing his hand in his lap. He took a deep breath, and shut his eyes tight, allowing the hat to fall over his head. He opened one eye slowly, as if to test it, before opening the other. All he could see was the brown inside of the hat, which was almost pitch black besides the little light coming from the bottom. The hat rested on his nose, causing a slight tickle that he avoided scratching.

You know, I narrowly avoided a mistake with your brother. 

A frown tugged at the corner of his lips. "What do you mean, you narrowly avoided a mistake?" He didn't speak, just moved the outline of every syllable with his lips.

I used to just sort Purebloods based on their names. The hat admitted. I almost did the same for him, that was, until he thought a few colourful terms for me. 

"Sounds like Sirius," agreed Regulus. "I'm not like him, though."

You could be. The hat chimed in. You have the same bravery etching itself through your skin. You'd be just as great a Gryffindor as he is. 

"No," insisted Regulus. "I can't be. I'd — I'd be disowned for sure."

That, Regulus, is what sets you and Sirius apart. You have a devoted loyalty to your family, you have a determination and a cunning touch that Sirius strongly lacked. The hat chuckled. You're intelligent as well, you can work out any logic puzzle placed in front of you. That is why you will do no good in Ravenclaw.

"Because Ravenclaw's value wit and creativity over logical thinking?" questioned Regulus.

Exactly. Despite your kind nature, you'd not do well in Hufflepuff either. They'd hide you in your shell, and I want to force you out of it. 

Which leaves us, of course, with Gryffindor and Slytherin. I stand what I said earlier, you are undeniably brave. 

"But how? I can't stand up to anyone."

That's for you to grow into. You'll find your bravery soon enough. But, I think your cunning nature will overrule that.

Regulus, listen to me. You are destined to do great things, don't let others push you around. Use that innate ambition of yours to stand up for your beliefs. Better be,

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat proclaimed.

Regulus stood up, dusting the dirt from his already pristine attire, and walking slowly to the Slytherin table. His cousin, Narcissa, moved slightly, and he sat next to her.

Instead of looking at the Sorting, his eyes sought an identical pair across the hall. He caught it, and Sirius gave him a half-willed smile before tearing away from the gaze. Both boys knew that they had no chance at being as close as they had less than two years prior. And seeing a newly sorted girl hug her older sister brought silent tears to both siblings's eyes.

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