"Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song~"

And then he went back to humming, drowning the words he sang earlier. The tune kept repeating, over and over and after a few minutes he stopped. The room went back to silence.

"Did you know? The singer is talking about being overcome with emotion while watching another singer. Whether that emotion is joy, sorrow, lust, or some combination of moving emotions is up for interpretation." He started explaining, hands still and hovering over his sketchpad, no longer working on his artwork. He then shift his gaze towards my direction and stare back at me straight in the eyes.

"The singer describe the feeling like being killed but it's happening softly- gently to our emotions and before you even realize it, you're hurting so bad that you just want it to end quicker even if it means you'll kill an important thing inside you." He continued, looking back down to his artwork before closing it.

"Some people find it poetic, while others find it confusing." He then put down his sketchpad, a small smile forming on his lips.

"For me, I find it tragic." He ended. The smile leaving his face and being replaced by an expression I couldn't describe.

"Is there a reason why you're telling me this?" I blatantly asked although I know what his response is going to be. As expected he shake his head and hummed in a suspicious manner.

"Nothing in particular." He replied with a smirk. I rolled my eyes before diverting my attention to anywhere else. I'm no longer interested in the book I'm reading earlier and I couldn't help but let out a deep sigh at the thought of boredom. I heard a sudden rustling where my cousin was and I look back to see him rummaging through his bag.

"Oh right. I forgot that your secretary wants me to hand you this yesterday."

He then grabbed something from his bag and pulled out a folder before handing it to me.

"Geez, what the hell were they thinking making you still work even though you're confined in the hospital! I wouldn't actually give this to you but your secretary told me that it is important to you and told him before that you wanted it as soon as possible."

I took it from his hand and at first stare at it in confusion but as soon as I opened the folder and reading the front page I began to understand what this is all about. I almost forgot about this case. These are all the list of possible orphanages I'll be going to investigate to search for Lance's missing grandnephew. I count the pages and there's a total of eight sheets of paper with all the names of orphanages all over the country. My vision is starting to get dizzy just by looking at the amount of names listed.

This is going to take longer than I thought.

I closed the folder and nodded at him, thanking him for bringing the stuff to me. He look at the folder curiously as he twirl a pencil around his fingers.

"Are you looking for someone?" He asked, still eyeing the folder. He must have read it beforehand.

"Do you remember Lance?"

He thought about it for a few seconds, frowning a little bit until his eyes lit up as he snaps his fingers.

"He's uncle's friend and your ex-butler, right? What about him?" He blurted, looking more confused than before.

"He has a grandnephew who was raised in an orphanage so he asked for a favor to me to look for that kid."

His eyes widen as soon as he heard it. Can't blame him, the topic is quite sensitive.

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