Chapter 27

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Third person's POV

The second day of Jonathan getting back to the mansion at first went awkward. Well, waking up on someone else's bed made him already uncomfortable but also waking up getting your body tangled with the other? It is another talk (although it wasn't the first time that happened to both of them but it's still awkward waking up like that). The third and fourth day still has the same routine. Evan asking Jon to stay for the night in his room and Jon not protesting at all as he follow the other inside. Until the fifth day though, Evan and Jon went back to work at the same time. Evan giving Jon a ride to his work before going to the company. When Jon enter the coffee shop he immediately went towards David and make an excuse, apologizing profusely when he didn't get to work on the past three days. Evan, on the other hand, was welcomed back by Brian with a huge smile on his face. Telling Evan that his face shows less tiredness than before (if it wasn't already seen on how his eyebags became less dark and cheeks no longer shallow). And at the end of the day, Jonathan was surprise when he saw his husband waiting for him outside the cafe as soon as he and his coworker's close the shop.

"Hey. What are you doing here?" Jonathan asked, shocked at the appearance of his husband. He's still wearing his suit so Jonathan guess his husband just came from company. Evan tilt his head at the side while looking at him confused.

"I'm here to... take you home?" He said unsurely, scratching the back of his neck as he stare at his husband. Jonathan doesn't know what to reply to that. His face reddening for some reason after hearing those words came out of him. He heard the bell above the door rings followed by a gasp behind him and look back to see Scotty and Kryoz's mouth open.

"Is that the famous Evan Fong!?" Kryoz blurted as he stare with wide eyes at Evan. Scotty, on the other hand, was internally screaming as he see someone popular.

"He is! I couldn't believe it! What is he doing here at this hour? Oh my god, he's much more masculine in person than in the magazines!" Scotty squeal as he grip Kryoz's arm who's also doing the same to him. Jonathan stare at the two in confusion. Obviously they were fans of his husband.

"Oh? What are you doing here, Evan? Picking Jon up?" Brock ask as he walk out of the door along with Lui.

"Jon?! You know him?!" Kryoz gasp as he quickly look at Jonathan surprise. Jonathan awkwardly smile at him as he look back to his husband.

Evan nodded and reply. "Yeah. Are you guys closing now, Brock?" Evan ask. Brock smile and hum in response.

"Yeah. Our manager was just checking the backdoor if it's lock and we're all done for the rest of the night."

Jonathan is getting more confused. He knows that Brock know about his status but he didn't know that this two were close.

"Brock?! You know him too?!" Kryoz blurted as he stare at Brock in disbelief. Scotty did the same but kept quiet. Brock look back at Kryoz and nodded his head.

"Yeah. My husband is the secretary and also a friend of Evan. We also met a few times before." Brock answered.

"You two were so lucky, man. Just meeting mr. Fong is a huge dream for me." Kryoz mutter as he stare in awe at Evan. Evan felt awkward at the moment. Clearly not used meeting any fans.

"Huh. So this is the famous Evan Fong." Lui uttered.

Jonathan look at his right and saw Lui staring odd at his husband. He ignore it thinking that the other was just in the same state as his other coworkers. The bell above the door ring and all of their attention shift at the sound. There he was, the owner of the cafe walking out of the shop and locking the door.

Contract Husband [H2OVANOSS] [SLOW UPDATE]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu