Chapter 53

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Third person's POV

Should he- nope, nothing will change.

Or he could- nah, it's not worth it.

What if he- yikes, bad idea.

He's almost reaching the end of his notepad and he still hasn't figured out a concrete plan. Most of the ideas he thought of were crossed out.

What is he even supposed to do?

He went back to work, doing everything as always, acting like how he's always been, only focusing on the task at hand, and most importantly, ignoring everything and everyone else. Yet he knows nothing will go back to normal.

"Maybe you should take a break." Someone spoke behind him. He quickly closed the notepad and turned his swivel chair around only to face his one and only secretary, whose arms are crossed and staring at him with knitted brows.

Maybe he should.

He shakes his head and turns back to his table. Putting the notepad under the desk and grabbing a folder. "No, I still need to finish these papers due the next day."

"I can handle those. You just got discharged last week from the hospital and should be taking it easy." Brian replied. Stepping beside him and leaning his back against the table.

"I am taking it easy. I'm not even leaving my seat and going around checking other departments on how they're doing like the usual." He tried reasoning, which clearly isn't effective as he watched the other roll his eyes at him.

"Which is not even your job, y'know. What's the point of hiring these different people if you're gonna do it instead?"

All Evan could do is grunt since he finds that there's no point having this conversation with his secretary.

Brian still stayed beside him even without getting any response back and choosing to talk again instead.

"How are you?"

It's the first time someone asked that to him since he got back.

"Still breathing." Was the only reply he could think of. The folder in his hand was forgotten.

"Want to hear some news about him?"

Yes. "No."

"Are you sure?"

No. "Yes."

The ache in his chest suddenly starts to grow as the conversation goes by. Eyes flooding with unshed tears as he clutches the papers inside his hand. Now he can't even fake his expression, let alone lie about them without giving anything away.

He's been holding on to the pain for far too long.

"Hey," Brian crouched down until their eyes met. A sad smile appeared on his lips. "It's okay to tell how you really feel. No ones gonna judge you for being who you are, especially me. Acting like it's not a big deal when in reality it's breaking you from the inside isn't gonna solve anything. You're hurting and you need to let it out."

Before he could think about it, his mouth was already moving on its own. "I miss him." He blurted. "I did everything I could. Changed myself for him. Gave up a lot of things just to be with him."

He should stop. He really should stop.

Yet, his mouth says otherwise.

"I know I'm not the most deserving and kind-hearted person for him. But I'm trying my best to be that kind of person."

'That's enough.' He thought. He already said too much.

"I saw this day coming, I fucking saw it from miles away, right from the very start. I expected it, I accepted it. Yet, it still hurts."

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