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I still don't like him ever since he sat behind me in class.


Calum was weird. Full stop. He was so quiet, he kept staring at Charlotte and I like a huge fucking creep. Also his eyes always lit up when we talked to him. I didn not like him. I don't like him at all. He's too skinny as well. He looks fucking Asian. His voice is too high. He also had strips of blonde in his raven hair. It looks horrible on him.

When Lottie and I were talking, he 'accidentally' kicked my leg under the table. He apologized but all I did was roll my eyes. Fucking weirdo. Michael and Luke were too busy 'talking' to even notice Calum. He was looking at his food, picking at it but not eating. Was he anorexic or something? Whatever.

The day went on, the usual, except the fact that Calum had to sit behind me in one of my classes. And school was finally over, for the day.

Lottie held my hand tightly as we walked out the front doors of school, the 'Girl with a hickey everyday' caught my eye as she winked at me, I licked my lips lustfully. Yes, I've given her a hickey before, but it was before I met Charlotte. I think every guy at this school has done it, everyone except that Caleb guy or whatever his name was, who knows and who cares or who gives a fuck.

I know, I've got a girlfriend, but what can I do? I'm a horny kid who likes sex. What can you do? Of course I wouldn't cheat on her though, I'm not that bad.

Luckily Charlotte didn't notice a thing. I hopped into my car which my parents bought for me for my 16th birthday, and Charlotte did the same. I was going back to my place, my parents were out which was a bonus. But Lauren and Harry were there I'm not saying Lottie and I are going to do anything, we're just gonna chill.

As soon as I unlocked the door, Poppet came running out as Lottie and I looked at each other with unease. Shit this isn't good.




After minutes of scratching, running, crawling and calling, we finally got the obnoxious, annoying and noisy dog I call my lovely pet, Poppet.

She's a mixed breed, and I don't exactly know which it is, her jaw is actually in front of her top lip, so her sharp teeth can be seen clearly. Shes a young little pup, meaning she's always hyper, which can be good, meaning shes happy, but also bad because sometimes she just gets super annoying. Also if you sit on the couch she will jump up to the part you rest your head on and start nibbling at your hair.

Well, Lottie loves her so that's all that matters, anything for the girl I love, my first love, and my last. Unless she has other plans, I coulddn't imagine her in another guys arms besides me, and only me,I swear if she decided to leave I don't know what I'll do with my life anymore. She was my life, and still is. I don't think she undestands how much she means to me.

Which reminds me, Our 6 month anniversary is coming up in 1 day. We've almost been together for half a year. Wow, it seems only yesterday she was the new girl, walking into school with her geeky glasses. Time flies by doesn't it? I need to do something special. But what?

I could perhaps bring her to a fancy restaurant. Nah, too cheesy. But what? There are endless possibilities and I can't choose. Buy her a gift? Nah too boring. Why don't I add the two together? Nah still too damn cheesy. What the fuck am I gonna do? I guess I'll just think later.

Poppet struggled in my arms as she tried to break free from my tight grip, unfortunately for her she couldn't. I had finally set her down after locking the front door of the house. Lauren and Harry were probably in their rooms doing god knows what.

I popped a random movie in as I plopped down on the couch, having Charlotte do the same, cuddling in the side of me as I wrap an arm around her securely. Just as I was about to grab the remote to turn the volum up, Poppet decided to do the same as Charlotte, she jumped onto the couch then crawling onto my lap but not before stretching out her tiny body.

So here I had the love of my life on my right and a bitch in front of me,

Wow its not everyday you get to say that. [xD]




" Goodbye Ashton, "

" Goodbye my Princess, "

I gave her a long hug as her parents honked the car for about the 78203 time this minute. One more kiss was placed on her lips before she left my sight, hopping into her parents car and driving away as I waved from what the last I could see of her.


W: [21.12.14]


poppet is actually a real dog and looks exactly like how i described her there lol, its my dads girlfriends dog lol.

p.s tysm for 100+ reads in 7 days ily

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