Chapter IV

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"Ugh, these outfits should be illegal," Chloe grumbled as she tugged at her skirt, the nylon fabric of her cheerleading's outfit clung to her like a second skin. "Plus I'm sweating like a fucking pig."

"Don't look at me, you wanted this," Libby reminded her without looking away from her homework.

The two girls were currently outside sitting on the bleachers, enjoying the warmth of the sun. Libby wished she could close her eyes, stretch her legs and get a tan while she was on it, but she had no such luck. She still had to finish her homework she hadn't gotten to finish after last night. As she tried to focus on the mathematical theories, her mind kept wandering to her brother's words. What had Axel been talking about?

Libby momentarily looked up from her notes to watch said twin practicing on the field. Seeing him push through the other students, shoving them off with his shoulder, the football firmly in his hands – it reminded her of a crazed bull attacking the audience. It was gruesome to see, as if his sole purpose was to clear his path no matter what. Libby cringed when she watched a guy being rammed aside like a ragdoll. The poor thing rolled over in the grass, grabbing his ribs. That must've hurt like a bitch.

"McCoy!" Coach Wiley blew his whistle. "What's the matter with you, boy!"

Axel took off his helmet and mouthpiece, running a hand through his sweaty hair. He shrugged as if he had no idea what the problem was.

"Yikes," Chloe winced as they watched a pair of students help the boy to the school nurse. He was bend at the waist and could barely stand up. "Wonder what he did to piss your brother off like that."

Libby studied her brother – he was smirking about something his friend had said. He looked like he hadn't just possibly broken some guy's ribs, his face was clear of any remorse. Was that the same boy from last night, Libby silently asked herself. It was like she didn't even know him anymore...

Chloe nudged her friend, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Hey, guess who I saw at the gas station yesterday."

"A man with three eyes," Libby said offhandedly, referring to that one time Chloe claimed she had seen a man with more eyes than was humanly possible. It wouldn't be the first time she'd seen something weird like that, it depends on what she had smoked that moment.

"Libby, I swear to god that guy had something between his eyes and it looked like a third eye! Anyway, that's not what I saw, I saw Mr. Coulter."

Libby pulled a face in disgust. "His name is Paul, Chloe. Paul."

"Mr. Coulter sounds hotter," she swooned.

"He's like ten years older than you," Libby exclaimed.

Chloe pushed her hair back over her shoulders with a dreamy look. "That's alright, he can be my daddy anytime."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Libby thought she'd throw up.

The black haired girl giggled. "Oh you don't wanna know."

Libby rolled her eyes before she got back to her homework. She couldn't fail this one, Adam would rip her a new one. He was practically the definition of the word 'illegal', but for some reason he always pushed her when it comes to education. Libby wasn't going to complain, at least he was being a good brother trying to keep her on the right path, no matter how hypocritical it was coming from him. Adam was always a pro at skipping school.

"Did Paul get a new tattoo? I noticed some ink on his knuckles."

"I lost count," Libby mumbled as she nibbled on her bottom lip.

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