Chapter III

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Libby was anxious to know what Leon's father was discussing with her brother Adam. From the looks of it they were having a heated conversation and she damned their soundproof glass doors for not being able to hear a word coming out of their mouths, and she was never really good at lip reading so that left her more in the dark.

"You should put something on that if you care to walk around with shoes again," Paul commented as he joined her at the kitchen counter.

Libby glanced at her blistered feet and mumbled something about doing it later.

Paul raised an eyebrow at her lack of response and snatched a piece of apple out of her bowl. "So what's gotten your pink panties in a bunch, huh? Don't tell me you let Axel get to you again. You know he didn't mean anything he said, he's just messing with you. He gets a kick out of annoying people, especially you – "

"What's Mr. Davis doing here?" Libby cut him off.

"Davis? How'd you know Davis?"

Libby didn't fail to pick up on the surprise and hostility lacing his voice. That only sparked her curiosity. "I don't know the guy, I literally only met him today." She nodded her head to the glass door where they could see Adam still arguing with the man.

"Fuck, what did he do know," Paul muttered under his breath.

"Is he a cop or something?"

Paul scratched his sharp jaw through his beard, a nervous habit Libby realized. "Uh, no he's a, he's a detective."

Libby's eyes squinted a little in suspicion as she took a bite of her apple. "What's a detective doing talking to Adam? Did my brother do something wrong?"

"What? No, of course not," Paul scoffed, his scratching hand now moving to the nape of his neck.

"I know Adam does a lot of stupid shit and he has more enemies than friends so why shouldn't I be worried to see a detective practically shouting at my brother?"

Paul leaned his forearms on the counter, moving closer to her. "First of all, you ever say shit again, I'll make you wash your mouth with soap, don't think I won't do it. Second, stop worrying about your brother, he's a big boy, he knows what he's doing."

Libby snorted. "First of all, I can say whatever the hell I want and you're gonna do nothing about it cause you're not my brother. Second, remind me again what it is that my brother does exactly?"

The man in front of her gritted his teeth, his jaw flexing. "I thought we made it pretty clear two years ago when you moved in – as long as you're living under his roof, you don't get to ask questions, capiche?"

"That's bullshit! You think I'll forget how I woke up one day, finding out that Adam had left? I was just eleven years old and had to fend for myself while you took him away to god knows where, doing god knows what. And then by some miracle you two appear out of the blue just when my parents died, seems a little suspicious, don't you think?"

Paul narrowed his dark eyes. "You think we had something to do with your parents' deaths?" He scoffed, "It's not a secret we weren't big fans of Anthony and Ellen but killing them? Please, tell me you're hearing how ridiculous you sound right now."

"Well, what do you expect me to think?" Libby crossed her arms. " I don't know anything about Adam, my own brother. I don't know where he goes to every night, I don't know how he manages to pay the bills, I won't know where he gets the fancy cars and house, I don't know why he comes home with blood on his shirt, I don't know why his room is always locked, I know nothing! All I know is that you got all the answers to my questions, cause whatever Adam's doing, he's doing it with you."

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