Wolf Spirit World

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Chapter 9

"Angela?" I said look at my twin

"Grace, what happen?" She asked.

"I don't know..." I whispered looking around.

We were on a beach of a lake surrounded by woods. The lake was beautiful and there were wolves drinking from it but they looked so ghost like. And on the other side were young ones playing but they looked real, alive. I stepped forward only to hit something solid.

"Grace, are you okay?!" Angela yelled running to me to check if I was okay.

"Yes. What is that? It's like another place that we are only allowed to see but not go to." I whispered confused.

"Because that's the wolves spirit world. Only wolves waiting for there partner to come of age or the dead watching over the new generation." Shadow appeared.

"Shadow!" I ran up to the big dark brown wolf, "Where is Brandon?"

"He's not here. It's rare for anyone to come to the edge and meet their wolves this way but yall are special." Shadow replied.

Angela was hugging Max's wolf. His is grey and white. His back and head is gray, as his belly and legs are white. His name is Silver.

We turned to see a white wolf with black paws walking to me and a light grey wolf walking to Angela. They were our wolves. They snuggled up to their mates and looked at us.

"Hey, I'm Snowflake. I'll be your wolf Grace." She said with a sweet voice.

"And I'm Penny. I'll be Angela's wolf." Penny said happily.

"We need to go. It's time to go to the real world. But I should tell you girl, Nekos are special. When you go to sleep from now own you will link together when you want to talk. You control when u come here to talk with each other in private with your wolves. When you get better you will be able to bring us and ur mates." Shadow said.

"Grace, wake up!" Brandon said scared.

"I'm up" I replied standing up.

I fell a few time before I could stand in my wolf form. I looked to see Blake had also shifted. He nudged me to walk and I did before I knew it we had ran home and Blake jumped onto of me. I turned on my back under him and licked his face. He shifted and I followed suit and we decide it had been a long night and time to rest.

"Angela, how do we control this? We don't need to be here every night." I said sitting on the edge of the barrier in the grass.

"Honestly, I don't control it and didn't know about it." Snowflake said laying next to me.

"We were just here. We need to figure out how to control this. Maybe when you like in awake Nekos you'll find something about this." Angela said.

"She right. We can do that. Maybe if we tell our mate he'll know something." Snowflake chimed happy.

"Ummmmm do we wake up naturally or you think we need to learn on our own?" I whispered in thought.

My cat ears went down and my tail was wrapped around my waist in my lap. I stared at the wolf in the spirit world moving around on a daily routine. It was about 3 hours later did we get bored and decide to wonder around. We the sun went down we decided it time to wake up. We took another hour to realize all we need to do is close our eye and think about waking up.

"Good morning, beautiful." Brandon said handing me a tray with breakfast on it.

"Awe thank you." I replied with a smile.

He placed it on my lap and sat next to me. He surprised me by feeding it to me even after he cooked. When I finished he kissed my forehead and left to the kitchen. I decided I need to show after last night.

I picked out some jeans and a shirt and headed over to the shower. I wait for the water to warm up and striped down. I stepped in letting the hot water relax me. Brandon joined me and we took an hour to get out of the shower.

"What you wanna do today?" I asked curiously as I sat on the bed as he combed his hair.

"We can go for a quick run, then I thought we should start to work on the history of Nekos." He replied putting the comb down and walk up to me extending his hand.

"Okay!" I said excited taking his hand.

We went out side and shifted. We ran for an hour freely then another hour learning the pack territory. I was having fun, plus Angela and Max came so the boys were upset with us goofing off. We would tackle each other and play around like little kids. We even met the whole pack. Turns out the doctors name is Fredrich.

"Grace, come on let go find out about y'all's history." Brandon said through the mind link.

"Okay." I replied running ahead of him towards the house.

It turned into a race and he let me win. When we got to the house we took a quick shower together before beginning our research. He went to his office and came back with a butt load of books. He pointed out everything vampires and werewolves knew about us.

We had a king and queen as they do but ours were royal blood and seemed to have special gifts only they new. They weren't very talkative to vampires and werewolves after the illness hit. They disappeared after they began to get sick, soon they were gone and rumored to be dead.

"That's all we know. We need more. They had to have some kind of palace or history books... Wait my parents!" I said running to my room grabbing a box from the closet and coming back down.

"What is this?" Brandon asked looking at the old closed box.

"Well... I'm not sure. Mom said to open it if you have questions and we aren't a around to answer them. So maybe it has some use full facts for us." I replied cutting the tape and opening it.

I picked up the paper on top that seemed to be a family tree. I noted it was a magic on and followed it to the bottom. My eyes wides with shock at the pictures of the Nekos royal family tree.

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