The New Boys

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Chapter 1

"Grace, are you ready?" Bryan asked through my bed room door.

I opened my door and nodded my head. We walked to school since it wasn't winter yet and the weather was nice. When we arrived we sat down at our normal table in the cafeteria. It had eight seats but only six of us so we had two empty seats. We are the first ones here since we live close and get up on time.

Slowly as time pasted every one showed up and were talking among themselves. When the bell rang Angela and I headed to first period German 2. We were glad it was down stairs because walking upstairs this early didn't interest us. We walked into class and took our seats in the back of the class. Mr. Freud began class as soon as the bell rang and I finished early so of course Angela and I talked about our weekend in German. Mr. Freud said we can talk in his class if it was in German, so we did unless we didn't know how to say it in German then we said it in English which he was okay with.

The day dragged on and we finally made it to lunch time. The bell rang telling kids to go eat and I found our table and sat down with Angela and we began to eat. Our class was closest so we normal got here first. Bryan took the seat next to me as always with Nick next to him. They were talking about some new boys that have the girls falling head over heels but whenever a girl asks them out the say, "Sorry, but I'm looking for someone special." Chloe and Chris finally came and sat next to Angela.

After lunch we went back to Mrs. Barton's class and finished our work. We always finish our class work and homework in class. The bell finally rang and we grabbed our bags and walked out the door. When we walked into Mrs. Kessler's class she looked up and smiled, "Girls, I hope you have something to past the time."

"Yes, ma'am. I have my story to write and Chloe has recipes to look at." I replied, as we sat down.

Chloe is going to own a shop and sell sweets when she grows up. She has studied cooking since she learned to read and use the stove and oven. She's an amazing cook and everything I know, she taught me. I'm good but she's better and knows more recipes. I like to spend my free time read or writing books. I'm smart because I'm always reading and studying the texts books. That's all we did for 55 minutes then the bell rang and we head out the class. I walk to my last class of the day and took my seat next to Bryan. I was writing my book when I noticed two guys take the seats next to and in front of me. The one in front turned around and said, "Hi, my name is Brandon. I'm new here. What's your name?"

Brandon had messy black hair, dark brown eyes almost black and very muscular. He was taller than Bryan maybe about 6'2". He was very handsome and his voice was very sexy. It made me wonder what it would be like to wake up to that voice and sexy face.

"Grace. That's my older brother, Bryan, and his best friend, Nick." I replied and point to them as I said their names.

"Oh. How is he older but you're in the same grade? And this is my best friend, Max." he pointed to the boy next to me, which smiled at me.

Max was also handsome but had nothing on Brandon. He has straight light brown hair, sky blue eyes, and muscular too but don't look as strong as Brandon. He looks to be about the same height as Bryan.

I returned the smile and focused back on Brandon, "I'm a sophomore but I took Algebra in 8th grade."

"That makes sense." He turned around and didn't say another word all class.

When the bell rang I grabbed my bag headed out of the class. Bryan and Nick were right behind me as we walked to the front doors of the school. Chloe came running down the hall and came to move in sync with me. We waved goodbye to Bryan and Nick as they walked to our place. Chloe and I had jobs at a restaurant in town not far from the school so we walked there every day to work.

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