Family Secret

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Chapter 2

"Hey, Grace!" Angela yelled running up behind me in the hall.

"Girl, you keep running like that you'll pass out in someone's food." I chuckled at her.

"Whatever I only work till 8:30 unlike you. Anyway, I met Max yesterday. He's so hot! There is no way Brandon is hotter." She squealed turning little pink.

I chuckled, "You are crushing on Max. And it's a matter of opinion which ones hotter. Also, you do know every girl in school wants them."

"I know... But I want to at least get to talk to Max alone for a little. You know, so I can get to know him. They could be our soul mates and you think I'm going to let them just get away because of every girl in school. Hell no!" she finished her speak and stomped into class.

"No, we sure aren't." I whispered as I followed behind her.

The day went by slow, but that always happens on Fridays. Tonight I work till ten, then go home to an empty house. Fridays Bryan is to go to the office after school and stay all night working. The last period finally came and I was nervous to see Brandon again.

"Hey, sis. ready for the weekend?" Bryan asked, as I sat down behind Brandon.

"Yep. I will be home at about 10:30. Are you staying the night at the office?" I replied looking at him, not Brandon turned around staring at me.

"Yes, you'll be okay by yourself, right?" he asked with concern.

"I always am." I replied with a smile as the bell rang.

We all began to do the work Mr Galve gave us. He told us to partner up and it was due Monday when we got back. Brandon told Mr. Galve I was his partner, so Galve wrote us down. Max partnered with another guy in class, as Bryan and Nick were partners.

"Okay we should probably work on this during the weekend." Brandon said 5 minutes before the bell.

"I'll take it home and color it. That's all we have left." I replied looking over the poster.

"No, it's a partner project. We'll work together." he said in a final tune causing me to scoot away.

The bell rang and I told Bryan goodbye. Angela was outside the school doors waiting when I walked through with Brandon and Max behind me. she turned red and avoided looking at Max. We walked to work in silence. The boys took the seat from yesterday and Angela asked me to be there waiter.

I walked over and sat down next to Brandon and asked, "What would you two like to drink? Or you want the same as yesterday?"

"Same as yesterday." They replied.

I stood up and went to the kitchen placing the order up for Drake. Got the two dr.peppers and handed them to the boys before heading to wait on all the other customers. Around 8 every one left leaving me alone with Angela, Brandon, Max, and Drake.

"Angela, you go ahead and go home. I think Grace can handle any more customers" Drake told her in the kitchen. We had started cleaning everything up after rush hour.

"Oh okay. See you tomorrow, Grace!" Angela ran to change and left with Max.

"Grace, who are those boys?" Drake asked curious.

"Oh that was Max. And the one still here is Brandon. They are the new juniors at school." I replied, "I'm going to finish cleaning up and talk to Brandon till we get another customer."

Drake nodded and started cooking my favorite a cheese burger. I cleaned up all the tables and the floor before going back and washing my hands. Drake handed me my dinner and I went to sit across from Brandon.

"Hey." I replied as I took my first bit.

He chuckled, "You do this every night when business slows down?"

I nodded turning pink because my mouth was full.

He chuckled, "You have thirty minutes till u clock out."

"Are you waiting to walk me home?" I asked curious.

"Yes. I'm planning to also stay the night. I don't want you to be home alone all night." He replied with a deeper voice.

I look down at my plate, "Okay..."

I grabbed my plate, but Brandon placed his hands on mine causing the shocks of pleasure to run through my hands, "Sorry. I didn't mean to raise my voice at you. I just don't like the idea of you alone in a house with all the crazy people in the world out there." he's voice was soft and gentle.

I nodded and ran to the kitchen with a face of a tomato. Drake washed the plate, as I changed and walked out the door with Brandon. We walked in silence to my house. I unlocked the front door and we went straight to my room.

He chuckled, "You love wolfs. These are some very good drawings you drew. They seem to all be of a dark brown wolf with black paws. why?"

I was pink as I replied, "I don't know. I see him in my dreams. His name is..."

"Shadow" Brandon finished.

I stared at him in the eyes shocked, "how....did you....know hi....his name?"

"I took a guess." he replied serious.

"Your lying. You knew the name. Why won't you tell me how you know?!" I was yelling out of fear and anger. He knew the name, so he might know who Shadow is.

"Grace, I can't tell you. Not yet... I'd love to tell you now, but you will not want to talk or be around me. I want to wait till I know you won't reject it completely." he replied sadness in his voice and eyes.

"Please tell me... I won't reject it... I believe Shadow is my soul mate... I've wanted to find him since I was eleven years old..." tears threaten to spill down my face.

"Okay I'll tell you, but please don't cry, Grace" he sat on my bed and pulled me into his lap rest my head on his chest.

"I promise I'll believe you..." I whispered not trusting my voice.

He sighed, "I'm Shadow. He's my wolf. I'm a alpha werewolf. At twelve I was walking around this town when I bumped into you. I found out this year these shocks of pleasure are a sign of finding your mate. I begged my parents and they finally enrolled me. When I saw you walk through the door yesterday I knew... I'd found you." Brandon was staring into my eyes watching for all and any emotion.

"Mates? That means we were born to be together... but I don't understand... Will I become a werewolf?" I rested my head on his shoulder looking into his eyes.

"Yes, but that can't happen till you are sixteen or you could die. I'm not will to risk that with you, Grace." he looked at me with so much love.

We decided to finish the project and guff off a bit. I was blushing like a tomato with all the tickling was over. We finally calmed down around midnight. We laid in my bed cuddling. I decide I should tell him the truth...

"Brandon?" I whispered scared.

"What is it?" he replied worried.

"I'm not human..."

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