Big Brother

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Chapter 20

I stared at the list for an hour wish and hope his name would disappear. I wanted so much to be able to bring him back. Even I have a limit to my power though. James tried to comfort me the whole hour, till finally Brandon came in.

"Sweetie... I wish I could saved him... He went after Jaxon himself. He died with Jaxon. He wanted to protect you and be the one... I just wish I'd made it to him in time..." Brandon's voice was full of regret.

"It's okay... I'll see him tonight... Thank you... I'm glad you made it back safely at least. I'm sure that's why he did it. He wanted you to be alive at the end of it all to take care of me." I was happier knowing what happen.

"I'm sorry... He meant a lot too you. Your brother protected you till the last second." Brandon said pulling me into his arms.

"Yes he did. He was always there." I smiled.

"I will have a funeral planned for tomorrow. You will lead. We have many people to say goodbye to." He had sadness in his voice.

"Okay..." I went to my bed and rested in the arms of the man I love.

I open my eyes and I was in the after life again. I ran straight to my family. I heard Maxon ask me a question but I was to focused on seeing my brother. When I arrived at the gate to the mansion.

I could smell him here with everyone else. I ran into the house to his bedroom. He was laying there with a picture of us as kids. I smiled as I ran into his arms.

"What?! Grace?" He said shocked.

"I missed you..." I whispered as tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

"Oh! Right. I forgot you can visit the after life." He said.

"Why couldn't you wait....? I still need you..." I was crying at this point.

"What do you mean? I didn't try to leave. I didn't even died!" He said confused.

"What?" I looked at him.

"Well... I'll tell you what happen. I killed Jaxon, but he seem to whisper something. Next thing I know I'm here." Bryan said confused.

"Grace." Maxon said by the door.

"Grace, ignore him. He isn't to be trusted." My mother said.

I looked at him, "What do you know?"

He smiled back at me, "Magic. My mate was a witch remember. He didn't just kill her. He did something forbidden."

He's smiled had faded as he spoke. My family remain silent as we talked. My brother had me in his lap with his arms around me to protect me.

"Explain more please?" I asked confused.

"Well when he killed her... He took her magic. It's very rare but only mates can do this. My wolf was with him, so he took her magic. He did the same spell to you. Took your body killing you. I came to ask you a favor, Grace." He was looking am with sadness.

"What do I need to do?" I was determined to save my brother if I can.

"You must kill my brothers soul. That other forest you saw. That is where the bad souls go. He belongs there but can't be taken till he losses a body. You need to find my body. It should heal soon due to magic. He was smart to make sure his plans work. But if you can get ur brothers soul to his body. My brother will be force to feel the pain as my body reheels. Then find kill him before he can take anymore bodies or hurt anyone else." He spoke with complete serious.

"But if I can kill the soul then... You will automatically be forced back into your body." I said.

"Forget me. That's too risky. Kill him. Do everyone a favor." Without another word he left.

"Do you really trust him?" My mother asked.

"Yes." I said with all my families eyes on me, "I'm going back. I will bring you back. Maybe even Maxon."

"Okay, be careful though. Your still pregnant." My brother said.

"I promise. I'll be careful." I smiled at him.

They all said goodbye as I closed my eyes. I have to get my brothers body back for him. Then I'll get Maxons back and finish this once and for all. I'll need to make a plan though.

I opened my eyes to see that Brandon was still asleep. I decided I wanted a shower to relax. I was getting up when I was suddenly pulled to his hard chest. I turned around to see he was looking at me with those gorgeous brown eyes.

"Where were you going?" He asked with worry.

"I'm not leaving you. I just wanted to shower." I replied easing the worry.

"Okay, but why do you have that determining look in your eye?" He knows me to well.

I signed and told him everything. He was silently listening the whole time. When I finished he stayed silent for a minute thinking. Finally he nodded and said he'd help. He got up to start the shower as I grabbed us clothes for the day.

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