Chapter 3

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The bell rang signaling that it is time for the morning break. The teacher already left so the students started to tidy up their things and get ready to go to the canteen.

"Hey! you all going to the canteen?" Joe asked the rest, which they all nodded.

When they arrived at the canteen, there were only a few students since some took their break earlier than the others and some later.

"Hey, I'll find us someplace okay?" Paige volunteered and started to find them a seat.

"I'll go with you." Joe offered, Paige did not pay attention to him but he did it anyway.

When they found an empty table, they sat down and Paige started to put on her earphones, completely ignoring Joe who sat beside her. But Joe is Joe so he kept bothering Paige.

"What do you want Joe?" Paige asked clearly irritated.

"Want you to be my girlfriend, " he laughed which earned a smack in the head from Paige, " Ouch, I'm just kidding, " he pouted.

"Well, that's not funny, " Paige rolled her eyes and ignored Joe again.

After a while, everyone arrived one by one at their seats, so Joe and Paige left to get their food.

When they have ordered their food, Joe turned to Paige, "You need some help with that?"

"No, I'm fine you can go to our table." She said. Joe hesitated but did as she said, he does not want to make her mad even more.

When Paige was about to go back to their place, she almost bumped into a girl, it was Lily. They said sorry to each other but someone pushed Lily that made her trip and her drink spill at Paige. Their eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, " Lily quickly placed her tray at a table to apologize and helped Paige, "Are you okay?" Paige replied with a smile "I'm okay."

"You do not own the way okay? Give way!" Another girl raised her voice at Lily. This caught the attention of the other people who are at the canteen too.

"You didn't have to push her" Paige faced the girl and looked at her dark badge which means she's from the lowest section.

Their sections are also determined by their badges except for the pilot sections because they have a gold nameplate. If you are from section 1 you will have a gold badge that shows the section number, section 2 has a silver badge with gold lining, section 3 has a bronze one and the rest have ordinary silver ones, but section 10 has a dark one. You can also determine their grade level by the color of their ID laces, maroon for grade 11, and dark blue for grade 12.

The girl raised one eyebrow at Paige and sassed, "but she was on my way."

"You could just ask her nicely" Paige is getting irritated.

"No it's okay, it's my fault anyway, I was on her way." Lily stands between to stop them before it gets out of hand. Paige looked at her in disbelief.

The girl smirked at them but Paige glared at her.

"What's going on here?" Mark came after he noticed all the commotion.

The girl whispered to herself, "Damn these pilot students."

"This girl pus-" Paige was about to tell Mark what happened but Lily cut her off.

"Just some accident but it's okay now." She smiled at Mark and nodded at Paige. Paige just sighed and nodded at Mark to tell that it is okay.

"Oh okay, if there's anything else just tell me okay?" Mark is also part of the student's committee, Lily smiled at her, he then turned to Paige, "We're waiting for you there." Paige nodded.

With that, they all left and went back to their own business.

Paige went to their place and everyone looked at her.

"What took you so long? And why is your uniform wet?" They asked

"Just some accident." She shrugged and started eating. They nodded.

Mark just arrived from getting something to drink when Alexis spoke up,

"Oh right we were talking about what Joe said earlier, do you really have a superpower?" Alexis brought up laughing, still not believing in Joe. Paige rolled her eyes for the nth time that day and looked up with the oh-so-done look.

"Yeah I have and I can make you shut up forever, " she said to Joe sarcastically, which made the other laugh, " there's no such thing as superpowers, " She shook her head.

"I told you that I noticed that's why I-" before she could finish her sentence, she looked behind her and saw Lily about to call her. How can she know that Lily is there when she hasn't spoken yet? That was their question too.

"Ms.Lily, what are you doing here?" Paige asked

"Just call me Lily, I was just going to return your handkerchief and I didn't get your name yet, " she smiled at them.

"Oh thank you, I'm Paige by the way and they are my classmates, " They smiled at each other before they bid goodbye to Lily.

"What a fake smile, " Anne joked at Mina.

Mina rolled her eyes, "Well it's not just me tho, isn't it?" she looked at Jane and smirked.

"So now you girls are hiding something from us?" the boys said.

"Let's just go back before we're late again shall we?", Jane said and they stood up giggling, leaving the boys confused with Page shaking her head. They followed the girls and went back to class. They then went home after class.

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