Chapter Nine: Ice cream and another little

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Marinette POV

We all get ice cream and sit down outside. Adrien and Marc got cookies and cream, Nathaniel and I got Strawberry, Alya got orange cream, and Nino got mint. We all are and made conversation while laughing happily. We finished and invited Nathaniel and Marc to come to Nino's house. They politely accepted and we made our way to his house.

Once we got there Nino ran inside with Marc and Adrien's wrists in each of his hands. Adrien started giggling while Marc just blushed profusely and complied. We just looked at each other and laughed while following our littles. We all checked our littles and looked at each other knowingly. Nathaniel picked Marc up and asked where the bathroom was. "It's down the hall and to the left" "Thanks Mari." "No problem!". Alya took Nino to his room and I took Adrien to his. I changed his diaper and put him in his outfit from earlier today.

I brought him downstairs and it looks like Alya did the same with Nino while Nathaniel changed Marc into an adorable outfit.

I brought him downstairs and it looks like Alya did the same with Nino while Nathaniel changed Marc into an adorable outfit

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(You choose what paci and other accessories he has on besides the backpack and phone cases. He will have the beanie on.)

After Alya and I were done cooing at Marc all of the littles went to play. They play with cars and blocks for a while but they get bored. Adrien crawls over to me and asks if he can sit in my lap and have a nap which I of course tell him yes.

I look over to the other two and see they both have there littles curled up in their laps sucking on pacifiers. I smile at them and run my fingers through Adrien's beautiful blonde hair. Soon enough I hear snoring and look down to see my little angel sleeping. I look over to the other four to see them all sleeping peacefully with smiles on there faces. Soon enough I start to slip into a peaceful sleep.

One I wake up I see all three littles building a blanket fort. "What are you little monkeys doing up without someone watching you?". They all squeak in surprise and look at me. I got various answers of "Hi momma!", "H-hi Auntie Nette!" and babbling from Nino. "Mommy we buldi'n a fowt wife bwankies an piwwos!" Adrien tells me while hugging me. I fain sadness and say "Without me? I'm hurt princess!". They all giggle and hug me. "Auntie Nette wanna hewp us?" Marc asks me. "Of course honeybuns! I'd love to!" I tell him and kiss his cheek. He giggles and crawls back over to where he was working.

After about an hour Nathaniel wakes up follow shortly by Alya. They both sneak up behind there babies and scare them. Nino squeals and giggles while Marc squeaks and looks behind him. "Daddy! Yous up! Auntie Nette hewped us wif a fowt! Does you wikes ih?" Marc asks him exitedley. "Of course I do baby! It's so pretty just like you!" Nathaniel tells him while kissing him on both of his cheeks. "Daaadddyyy" he wines and then giggles.

Meanwhile Alya is peppering Nino in kisses while he giggles and babbles contently. Adrien crawls over to me and hugs me. "Momma! Wanna comes into da fowt?" He asks me hopefully. "Yes my pretty baby I'd love to." I tell him as he blushes. He starts to crawl over to the fort and I follow after him shortly followed by the others.

After awhile I leave to go make dinner with Nathaniel while Alya watches the littles. "Hey Nath! Would you guys like to stay over tonight?" I ask him while he cuts apple slices. "Of course! Marc's never gotten along with anyone this well while in headspace and it'd be good for him to open up more. Thank you for the invitation Mari!" He tells me to which I respond with a hum and a smile.

After we finish dinner we call them into the kitchen and we start to eat. We each put our littles in our laps since we don't have high chairs for them. Well, with my job I should be able to afford to get them some little things. I think while feeding Adrien his food.

(I know that I never mentioned a job before but this is just foreshadowing. Dunno what it'll be yet but leave some suggestions)

"Momma cans Mawc an Naff stays ober pease?" Adrien asks me when we're done eating. "I already invited them baby. Would you be okay with letting Marc wear some if your jammies baby?" I ask him. He nods enthusiastically and starts to run up the stairs. Soon he comes back with a pair or pajamas and one of his diapers for Marc to use.

He runs up to Nathaniel and hands them to him

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He runs up to Nathaniel and hands them to him. "Wiw Mawc wikes dees? Ifs he not he cans pick out diffent jammies!" He tells Nathaniel. "Oh no baby he'll love them! He has a pair like these at home! Thank you so much honey!" he tells Adrien while smiling.

He picks Marc up and on his way to the bathroom he whispers something in my ear that made me smile. "He's so sweet. You're luck to have a little boy like him." And he's absolutely right.

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